R657-6-12. Falconry  

Latest version.
  •   (1)(a) Falconers must obtain an annual hunting or combination license and a valid falconry certificate of registration or license to hunt upland game and must also obtain:

      (b) a Band-tailed pigeon permit before taking Band-tailed pigeon;

      (c) a Greater sage-grouse permit before taking Greater sage-grouse;

      (d) a Sharp-tailed grouse permit before taking Sharp-tailed grouse;

      (e) a White-tailed ptarmigan permit before taking White-tailed ptarmigan; or

      (f) a Sandhill crane permit before taking Sandhill crane.

      (2) Areas open and bag and possession limits for falconry are provided in the guidebook of the Wildlife Board for taking upland game and wild turkey.