R652-90-600. Public Review  

Latest version.
  • 1. Comprehensive management plans shall be published in draft form and sent to persons on the mailing list established under R652-90-400, the Governor's Office of Planning and Budget, and other persons upon request.

    (a) A public comment period of at least 45 days shall commence upon receipt of the draft in the Governor's Office of Planning and Budget.

    (b) All public comment shall be acknowledged pursuant to 65A-2-4(2).

    (c) The division's response to the public comment shall be summarized in the final comprehensive management plan.

    (d) Comments received after the public comment period shall be acknowledged but need not be summarized in the final plan.

    2. Resource plans shall be published and made available upon request.

    (a) Persons wishing to comment on these plans may do so at any time.

    (b) The division shall acknowledge all written comments.

    3. Upon completion of any planning process, the Record of Decision or other document summarizing final division action and relevant facts shall be provided to any persons requesting notice from the division.