R652-140-400. Procedures for Notification of Intent to Conduct Forest Practices  

Latest version.
  • (1) At least 30 days prior to the commencement of a forest practice, the operator shall submit written notification of intent to conduct forest practices to the Division as required by Subsection 65A-8a-104(1). The 30 days shall commence on the date of postmark, if mailed, or on the date received if hand delivered or electronically submitted.

    (2) Notifications shall be submitted to the Division's headquarter's office or one of the Division's six administrative area offices listed in Subsection R652-140-300(2).

    (3) Operators shall submit a written notification on a form provided by the Division, a copy thereof or its electronic version, and include the information required under Subsection 65A-8a-104(2).

    (4) Notifications submitted to the Division shall be acknowledged within ten days of receipt by the Division. The acknowledgment shall include information identified in Subsection 65A-8a-104(3).