R628-11-4. Definitions  

Latest version.
  • For the purposes of this rule:

    A. "Tier one capital" means:

    (1) For a federally insured commercial bank, thrift institution, industrial loan corporation or a savings and loan association, the same as defined in the Federal Deposit Insurance Act in CFR Chapter III Section 325.2 or the Office of Thrift Supervision in CFR Chapter V Section 565.2;

    (2) For a federally insured credit union, the sum of undivided earnings, regular reserves, appropriations of undivided earnings referred to as "other reserves", and net income not already included in undivided earnings.

    B. "Deposits" means: balances due to persons having an account at the qualified depository institution whether in the form of a transaction account, savings account, share account, or certificate of deposit and repurchase agreements other than qualifying repurchase agreements.

    C. "Out of State" means: in reference to a depository institution or depository institution holding company, an institution or company whose home state is not Utah.

    D. "Maximum amount" means: the amount of deposits in excess of the federal deposit insurance limit.

    E. "Qualified depository" means: a Utah depository institution as defined in Subsection 7-1-103(36) or a out of state depository institution as defined in Subsection 7-1-103(25) which may conduct business in this state under Section 7-1-702, whose deposits are insured by an agency of the Federal Government and which has been certified by the Commissioner of Financial Institutions as having met the requirements to receive uninsured public funds.

    F. "Transaction account" means: a deposit, account, or other contractual arrangement in which a depositor, account holder, or other customer is permitted, directly or indirectly, to make withdrawals by check or other negotiable instrument, a payment order of withdrawal, a telephone transfer or other electronic transfer or by any other means or device to make payments or transfer to third persons. This term includes demand deposits, NOW accounts, savings deposits subject to automatic transfers, and share draft accounts.

    G. "Utah depository institution" means: a depository institution which is organized under the laws of, and whose home office is located in, this state or which is organized under the laws of the United States and whose home office is located in this state.