R590-261-8. Independent Review Organizations  

Latest version.
  • (1) The commissioner shall compile and maintain a list of approved independent review organizations.

    (2) To be considered for placement on the list of approved independent review organizations, an independent review organization shall:

    (a) be accredited by a nationally recognized private accrediting entity;

    (b) meet the requirements of this rule; and

    (c) have written policies and procedures that ensure:

    (i) that all reviews are conducted within the specified time frames;

    (ii) the selection of qualified and impartial clinical reviewers;

    (iii) the confidentiality of medical and treatment records and clinical review criteria; and

    (iv) that any person employed by or under contract with the independent review organization adheres to the requirements of this rule.

    (3) An applicant requesting placement on the list of approved independent review organizations shall submit for the commissioner's review:

    (a) the Independent Review Organization Application form available on our website at www.insurance.utah.gov;

    (b) all documentation and information requested on the application, including proof of being accredited by a nationally recognized private accrediting entity; and

    (c) the application fee.

    (4) The commissioner shall terminate the approval of an independent review organization if the commissioner determines that the independent review organization has lost its accreditation or no longer satisfies the minimum requirements for approval.

    (5)(a) An independent review organization may not own or control, or be owned or controlled by:

    (i) a carrier;

    (ii) a health benefit plan;

    (iii) a health benefit plan's fiduciary;

    (iv) an employer or sponsor of a health benefit plan;

    (v) a trade association of:

    (A) health benefit plans;

    (B) carriers; or

    (C) health care providers; or

    (vi) an employee or agent of any one listed in Subsection (5)(a)(i) through (v).

    (b) An independent review organization and the clinical reviewer assigned to conduct an independent review may not have a material professional, familial, or financial conflict of interest with:

    (i) the carrier;

    (ii) an officer, director, or management employee of the carrier;

    (iii) the health benefit plan;

    (iv) the plan administrator, plan fiduciaries, or plan employees;

    (v) the insured or claimant;

    (vi) the insured's health care provider;

    (vii) the health care provider's medical group or independent practice association;

    (viii) a health care facility where the service would be provided; or

    (ix) the developer or manufacturer of the service that would be provided.