R590-238-4. Annual Reporting Requirements  

Latest version.
  •   (1) A captive insurance company authorized in this state shall file an annual report of its financial condition with the commissioner as required by Section 31A-37-501. The report shall be verified by oath of at least two individuals who are executive officers of the company and by the captive manager or a duly appointed representative. The report shall be prepared using generally accepted accounting principles ("GAAP") and shall be filed electronically consistent with directions from the commissioner.

      (2) A captive insurance company shall observe the requirements of Section 31A-4-113 when it files an annual report of its financial condition. In addition, an industrial insured group shall observe the requirements of Section 31A-4-113.5 when it files an annual report.

      (3) All captive insurance companies are to use the "Captive Insurance Company Annual Statement Form" except Risk Retention Group (RRG) insurers and special purpose financial captives which shall use the NAIC's Annual and Quarterly Statements.

      (4) The Captive Insurance Company Annual Statement shall include a statement of a qualified Actuary titled "Statement of Actuarial Opinion," setting forth his or her opinion relating to loss and loss adjustment expense reserves.