R590-228-5. Filing Submission Requirements  

Latest version.
  • (1) All filings must be submitted as an electronic filing.

    (a) All filers must use SERFF to submit a filing.

    (b) All filings must comply with The "NAIC Uniform Life, Accident and Health, Annuity, and Credit Coding Matrix," dated January 1, 2009, and incorporated by reference. This form is available on the department's website, www.insurance.utah.gov.

    (2) A filings must be submitted by market type and type of insurance.

    (3) A filing may not include more than one type of insurance; or request filing for more than one licensee.

    (4) SERFF Filings.

    (a) Filing Description. Do not submit a cover letter. On the General Information tab, complete the Filing Description section with the following information, presented in the order shown below.

    (i) Provide a description of the filing including:

    (A) the intent of the filing; and

    (B) the purpose of each document within the filing.

    (ii) Indicate if the filing:

    (A) is new;

    (B) is replacing or modifying a previous submission; if so, describe the changes made, if previously rejected the reasons for rejection, and the previous Utah Filed Date;

    (C) includes documents for informational purposes; if so, provide the Utah Filed Date; or

    (D) does not include the base policy; if so, provide the Utah Filed Date of the base policy and describe the effect on the base policy.

    (iii) Identify if any of the provisions are unusual, controversial, or have been previously objected to, or prohibited, and explain why the provision is included in the filing.

    (iv) Explain any change in benefits or premiums that may occur while the contract is in force.

    (v) List the types of coverage to be provided, such as gross, net, full term, truncated and critical period.

    (vi) Indicate whether the insurer has a Rating and Benefits Plan on file with the department.

    (vii) List the issue ages, which means the range of minimum and maximum ages for which a policy will be issued.

    (viii) Identify the intended market

    (ix) Identify the types and durations of loans to be insured.

    (x) Describe the methods of premium charge.

    (b) Certification. The filer must certify that a filing has been properly completed AND is in compliance with Utah laws and rules. The "Utah Credit Life and Credit Accident and Health Filing Certification" must be properly completed, signed, and attached to the Supporting Documentation tab. A false certification may subject the licensee to administrative action.

    (c) Domiciliary Approval and Filing Status Information. All filings for a foreign licensee must include on the Supporting Documentation tab:

    (i) copy of domicile approval for the exact same filing; or

    (ii) filing status information which includes:

    (A) a list of the states to which the filing was submitted;

    (B) the date submitted; and

    (C) summary of the states' actions and their responses; or

    (iii) if the filing is specific to Utah and only filed in Utah, then state, "UTAH SPECIFIC - NOT SUBMITTED TO ANY OTHER STATE."

    (d) Letter of Authorization.

    (i) When the filer is not the licensee, a letter of authorization from the licensee must be attached to the Supporting Documentation tab.

    (ii) The licensee remains responsible for the filing being in compliance with Utah laws and rules.

    (e) Statement of Variability.

    (i) A statement of variability must be attached to the Supporting documentation tab and certify:

    (A) the final form will not contain brackets denoting variable data;

    (B) the use of variable data will be administered in a uniform and non-discriminatory manner and will not result in unfair discrimination;

    (C) the variable data included in this statement will be used on the referenced forms;

    (D) any changes to variable data will be submitted prior to implementation.

    (ii) Variable data are denoted in brackets and are defined, either by imbedding in the form, or by a separate form identified by its own form number and edition date. Variable data submitted as a separate form must be in a manner that follows the construction of the form, by page and paragraph, or page and footnote.

    (iii) Variable data must be reasonable, appropriate and compliant.

    (iv) Use of unauthorized variable data is prohibited.

    (f) Items being submitted for filing.

    (i) All forms must be attached to the form schedule tab.

    (ii) All rating documentation, including actuarial memorandums and rate schedules, must be attached to the Rate/Rule Schedule tab.

    (iii) Actuarial Memorandum, Demonstration, and Certification of Compliance. An actuarial memorandum and demonstration with sample rate calculations and a certification of compliance with Utah law are required in each filing. The memorandum must be currently dated and signed by the actuary.

    (5) Refer to each applicable Section of this rule for additional procedures on how to submit forms, rates, and reports.