Utah Administrative Code (Current through November 1, 2019) |
R590. Insurance, Administration |
R590-222. Life Settlements |
R590-222-11. Advertising
(1) This section shall apply to advertising of life settlements, related products, or services intended for dissemination in this state. Failure to comply with any provision of this section is determined to be a violation of Section 31A-36-112.
(2) The form and content of an advertisement of a life settlement shall be sufficiently complete and clear so as to avoid misleading or deceiving the reader, viewer, or listener. It shall not contain false or misleading information, including information that is false or misleading because it is incomplete.
(3) Information required to be disclosed shall not be minimized, rendered obscure, or presented in an ambiguous fashion or intermingled with the text of the advertisement so as to be confusing or misleading.
(4) An advertisement shall not omit material information or use words, phrases, statements, references or illustrations if the omission or use has the capacity, tendency or effect of misleading or deceiving owners, as to the nature or extent of any benefit, loss covered, premium payable, or state or federal tax consequence.
(5) An advertisement shall not use the name or title of an insurer or an insurance policy unless the affected insurer has approved the advertisement.
(6) An advertisement shall not state or imply that interest charged on an accelerated death benefit or a policy loan is unfair, inequitable or in any manner an incorrect or improper practice.
(7) The words "free," "no cost," "without cost," "no additional cost", "at no extra cost," or words of similar import shall not be used with respect to any benefit or service unless true. An advertisement may specify the charge for a benefit or a service or may state that a charge is included in the payment or use other appropriate language.
(8) Testimonials, appraisals or analysis used in advertisements must be genuine; represent the current opinion of the author; be applicable to the life settlement product or service advertised, if any; and be accurately reproduced with sufficient completeness to avoid misleading or deceiving prospective owners as to the nature or scope of the testimonials, appraisal, analysis or endorsement. In using testimonials, appraisals or analysis, the life settlement licensee makes, as its own, all the statements contained therein, and the statements are subject to all the provisions of this section.
(a) If the individual making a testimonial, appraisal, analysis or an endorsement has a financial interest in the party making use of the testimonial, appraisal, analysis or endorsement, either directly or through a related entity as a stockholder, director, officer, employee or otherwise, or receives any benefit directly or indirectly other than required union scale wages, that fact shall be prominently disclosed in the advertisement.
(b) An advertisement shall not state or imply that a life settlement benefit or service has been approved or endorsed by a group of individuals, society, association or other organization unless that is the fact and unless any relationship between an organization and the life settlement licensee is disclosed. If the entity making the endorsement or testimonial is owned, controlled or managed by the life settlement licensee, or receives any payment or other consideration from the life settlement licensee for making an endorsement or testimonial, that fact shall be disclosed in the advertisement.
(c) When an endorsement refers to benefits received under a life settlement, all pertinent information shall be retained for a period of five years after its use.
(9) An advertisement shall not contain statistical information unless it accurately reflects recent and relevant facts. The source of all statistics used in an advertisement shall be identified.
(10) An advertisement shall not disparage insurers, life settlement providers, life settlement producers, life settlement investment agents, anyone who may recommend a life settlement, insurance producers, policies, services or methods of marketing.
(11) The name of the life settlement licensee shall be clearly identified in all advertisements about the licensee or its life settlement, products or services, and if any specific life settlement is advertised, the life settlement shall be identified either by form number or some other appropriate description. If an application is part of the advertisement, the name and administrative office address of the life settlement provider shall be shown on the application.
(12) An advertisement shall not use a trade name, group designation, name of the parent company of a life settlement licensee, name of a particular division of the life settlement licensee, service mark, slogan, symbol or other device or reference without disclosing the name of the life settlement licensee, if the advertisement would have the capacity or tendency to mislead or deceive as to the true identity of the life settlement licensee, or to create the impression that a company other than the life settlement licensee would have any responsibility for the financial obligation under a life settlement.
(13) An advertisement shall not use any combination of words, symbols or physical materials that by their content, phraseology, shape, color or other characteristics are so similar to a combination of words, symbols or physical materials used by a government program or agency or otherwise appear to be of such a nature that they tend to mislead prospective owners into believing that the solicitation is in some manner connected with a government program or agency.
(14) An advertisement may state that a life settlement licensee is licensed in the state where the advertisement appears, provided it does not exaggerate that fact or suggest or imply that a competing life settlement licensee may not be so licensed. The advertisement may ask the audience to consult the licensee's web site or contact the department of insurance to find out if the state requires licensing and, if so, whether the life settlement provider or producer is licensed.
(15) An advertisement shall not create the impression that the life settlement provider, its financial condition or status, the payment of its claims, or the merits, desirability, or advisability of its life settlements are recommended or endorsed by any government entity.
(16) The name of the actual licensee shall be stated in all of its advertisements. An advertisement shall not use a trade name, any group designation, name of any affiliate or controlling entity of the licensee, service mark, slogan, symbol or other device in a manner that would have the capacity or tendency to mislead or deceive as to the true identity of the actual licensee or create the false impression that an affiliate or controlling entity would have any responsibility for the financial obligation of the licensee.
(17) An advertisement shall not directly or indirectly create the impression that any division or agency of the state or of the U.S. government endorses, approves or favors:
(a) any life settlement licensee or its business practices or methods of operations;
(b) the merits, desirability or advisability of any life settlement;
(c) any life settlement; or
(d) any life insurance policy or life insurance company.
(18) If the advertisement emphasizes the speed with which the settlement will occur, the advertising must disclose the average time frame from completed application to the date of offer and from acceptance of the offer to receipt of the funds by the owner.
(19) If the advertising emphasizes the dollar amounts available to owners, the advertising shall disclose the average purchase price as a percent of face value obtained by owners contracting with the licensee during the past six months.