R590-203-7. Disability Income Adverse Benefit Determination Review  

Latest version.
  • (1) A carrier will notify a claimant of the benefit determination within 45 days of receipt of the claimant's request for review of an adverse benefit determination.

    (2) The time period for making a determination on review may be extended for up to 45 days when necessary due to matters beyond the control of the carrier.

    (3) If the time period is extended due to the claimant's failure to submit information necessary to decide a claim, the time period for making the benefit determination on review shall be tolled from the date on which the notification of the extension is sent until the date on which the claimant responds to the request for additional information.

    (4) Upon request, relevant information, free-of-charge, must be provided to the claimant on any adverse benefit determination.