R590-167-6. Restrictions Relating to Premium Rates  

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  • (1) A covered carrier shall develop a separate rate manual for each class of business. Base premium rates and new business premium rates charged to individuals and small employers by the covered carrier shall be computed solely from the applicable rate manual developed pursuant to this subsection. To the extent that a portion of the premium rates charged by a covered carrier is based on the carrier's discretion, the manual shall specify the criteria and factors considered by the carrier in exercising such discretion.

    (2)(a) A covered carrier may not modify the rating method, as defined in Section R590-167-2, used in the rate manual for a class of business until the change has been approved as provided in this subsection. The commissioner may approve a change to a rating method if the commissioner finds that the change is reasonable, actuarially appropriate, and consistent with the purposes of the Act and this rule.

    (b) A carrier may modify the rating method for a class of business only after filing an actuarial certification. The filing shall clearly request approval for a change in rating method and contain at least the following information:

    (i) the reasons the change in rating method is being requested;

    (ii) a complete description of each of the proposed modifications to the rating method;

    (iii) a description of how the change in rating method would affect the premium rates currently charged to individuals and small employers in the class of business, including an estimate from a qualified actuary of the number of groups or individuals, and a description of the types of groups or individuals, whose premium rates may change by more than 10% due to the proposed change in rating method, not including general increases in premium rates applicable to all individuals and small employers in a health benefit plan;

    (iv) a certification from a qualified actuary that the new rating method would be based on objective and credible data and would be actuarially sound and appropriate;

    (v) a certification from a qualified actuary that the proposed change in rating method would not produce premium rates for individuals and small employers that would be in violation of Sections 31A-30-106, 31A-30-106.1, and 31A-30-106.5; and

    (vi) a request for approval for a change in rating method must be submitted as a separate filing. The filing description must state in the first line of the first paragraph, "REQUEST FOR APPROVAL FOR CHANGE IN RATING METHOD."

    (3) The rate manual developed pursuant to Subsections 31A-30-106(4), 31A-30-106.1(13), and R590-167-6(1) shall specify the case characteristics and rate factors to be applied by the covered carrier in establishing premium rates for the class of business.

    (a) A covered carrier offering a health benefit plan to an individual may not use case characteristics other than those specified in Subsection 31A-30-106(1)(f) without the prior approval of the commissioner. A covered carrier seeking such an approval shall make a filing with the commissioner for a change in rating method under Subsection R590-167-6(2)(b). Tobacco use is not an allowable case characteristic. Tobacco use is an allowable risk characteristic when utilized in compliance with Subsection 31A-30-106(1)(b).

    (b)(i) A covered carrier offering or renewing a health benefit plan to a small employer, may not use case characteristics other than:

    (A) age band, as specified in Subsection 31A-30-106.1(6)(a), applicable to the age of the employee;

    (B) geographic area;

    (C) family composition tier, as specified in Subsection 31A-30-106.1(6)(c);

    (D) gender, as specified in in Subsection 31A-30-106.1(6)(d);

    (E) Medicare coordination, as specified in Subsection 31A-30-106.1(6)(e); and

    (F) wellness programs, as specified in Subsection 31A-30-106.1(6)(f).

    (ii) For any geographic area used as a case characteristic by a covered carrier, base rates for any small employer health benefit plan shall be subject to the following limitations:

    (A) for any age band, the ratio of the base rate for the family tier to the base rate for employee only tier, shall not exceed the ratio in Subsection 31A-30-106.1(8); and

    (B) for any family composition tier, the ratio of the base rate for any age band to the base rate for "less than 20" age band, may not exceed the following:

    (I) 1.22 for age band 20 to 24;

    (II) 1.34 for age band 25 to 29;

    (III) 1.46 for age band 30 to 34;

    (IV) 1.60 for age band 35 to 39;

    (V) 1.80 for age band 40 to 44;

    (VI) 2.20 for age band 45 to 49;

    (VII) 2.80 for age band 50 to 54;

    (VIII) 3.60 for age band 55 to 59;

    (IX) 4.25 for age band 60 to 64; and

    (X) 5.00 for age band over 65.

    (c) A covered carrier shall use the same case characteristics in establishing premium rates for each health benefit plan in a class of business and shall apply them in the same manner in establishing premium rates for each such health benefit plan. Case characteristics shall be applied without regard to the risk characteristics of an individual or small employer.

    (d) The rate manual shall clearly illustrate the relationship among the base premium rates charged for each health benefit plan in the class of business. If the new business premium rate is different than the base premium rate for a health benefit plan, the rate manual shall illustrate the difference.

    (e) Differences among base premium rates for health benefit plans shall be based solely on the reasonable and objective differences in the design and benefits of the health benefit plans and may not be based in any way on the nature of an individual or small employer that choose or are expected to choose a particular health benefit plan. A covered carrier shall apply case characteristics and rate factors within a class of business in a manner that assures that premium differences among health benefit plans for identical individuals or small employers vary only due to reasonable and objective differences in the design and benefits of the health benefit plans and are not due to the nature of the individuals or small employers that choose or are expected to choose a particular health benefit plan.

    (f) The rate manual shall provide for premium rates to be developed in a two-step process.

    (i) In the first step, a base premium rate shall be developed for the individual or small employer without regard to any risk characteristics. The base rates shall reflect only the allowable case characteristics. The base rates for an individual health benefit plan offered to two individuals with the same case characteristics shall be identical. The base rates for a small employer health benefit plan offered to two small employer groups with the same case characteristics shall be identical.

    (ii) In the second step, the resulting base premium rate may be adjusted by a risk load, subject to the provisions of Sections 31A-30-106, 31A-30-106.1, and 31A-30-106.5, to reflect the risk characteristics.

    (g) Each rate manual developed pursuant to Subsection R590-167-6(1) shall be maintained by the carrier for a period of six years. Updates and changes to the manual shall be maintained with the manual.

    (4)(a) Except as provided in Subsection R590-167-6(4)(b), a premium charged to an individual or small employer for a health benefit plan may not include a separate application fee, underwriting fee, or any other separate fee or charge.

    (b) A carrier may charge a separate fee with respect to an individual or small employer health benefit plan, but only one fee with respect to such plan, provided the fee is no more than $5 per month per individual or employee and is applied in a uniform manner to each health benefit plan in a class of business.

    (5) The restrictions related to changes in premium rates in Subsections 31A-30-106(1)(c) and 31A-30-106.1(3) shall be applied as follows:

    (a) A covered carrier shall revise its rate manual each rating period to reflect changes in base premium rates and changes in new business premium rates.

    (b)(i) If, for any health benefit plan with respect to any rating period, the percentage change in the new business premium rate is less than or the same as the percentage change in the base premium rate, the change in the new business premium rate shall be deemed to be the change in the base premium rate for the purposes of Subsections 31A-30-106(1)(c) and 31A-30-106.1(3).

    (ii) If, for any health benefit plan with respect to any rating period, the percentage change in the new business premium rate exceeds the percentage change in the base premium rate, the health benefit plan shall be considered a health benefit plan into which the covered carrier is no longer enrolling new individuals or small employers for the purposes of Subsections 31A-30-106(1)(c) and 31A-30-106.1(3).

    (iii) Trend increases are limited to a 12-month period. If an insurer chooses to use trend in the rate manual, a new filing must be submitted for each 12-month period. The detailing of the rate calculation must specify how trend is being implemented, by plan or calendar year, and how the rates are determined.

    (c) If, for any rating period, the change in the new business premium rate for a health benefit plan differs from the change in the new business premium rate for any other health benefit plan in the same class of business by more than 20%, the carrier shall make a filing with the commissioner containing a complete explanation of how the respective changes in new business premium rates were established and the reason for the difference. The filing shall be made 30 days before the beginning of the rating period.

    (d) A covered carrier shall keep on file for a period of at least six years the calculations used to determine the change in base premium rates and new business premium rates for each health benefit plan for each rating period.

    (6)(a) Except as provided in Subsection R590-167-6(6)(b), a change in premium rate for an individual or small employer shall produce a revised premium rate that is no more than the following:

    (i) the base premium rate for the individual or small employer, as shown in the rate manual as revised for the rating period, multiplied by:

    (ii) one plus the sum of:

    (iii) the risk load applicable to the individual or small employer during the previous rating period; and

    (iv) 15% prorated for periods of less than one year.

    (b) In the case of a health benefit plan into which a covered carrier is no longer enrolling new individuals or small employers, a change in premium rate for an individual or small employer shall produce a revised premium rate that is no more than the following:

    (i) the base premium rate for the individual or small employer, given its present composition and as shown in the rate manual in effect for the individual or small employer at the beginning of the previous rating period, multiplied by:

    (ii) one plus the lesser of:

    (A) the change in the base rate; or

    (B) the percentage change in the new business premium for the most similar health benefit plan into which the covered carrier is enrolling new individuals or small employers, multiplied by:

    (iii) one plus the sum of:

    (A) the risk load applicable to the individual or small employer during the previous rating period; and

    (B) 15%, prorated for periods of less than one year.

    (c) Notwithstanding the provisions of Subsections R590-167-6(6)(a) and (b), a change in premium rate for an individual or small employer may not produce a revised premium rate that would exceed the limitations on rates provided in Subsections 31A-30-106(1)(b) and 31A-30-106.1(2)(b).

    (7)(a) A representative of a Taft Hartley trust, including a carrier upon the written request of such a trust, may file in writing with the commissioner a request for the waiver of application of the provisions of Subsections 31A-30-106.1(1) through 31A-30-106.1(6) with respect to such trust.

    (b) A request made under Subsection R590-167-6(7)(a) shall identify the provisions for which the trust is seeking the waiver and shall describe, with respect to each provision, the extent to which application of such provision would:

    (i) adversely affect the participants and beneficiaries of the trust; and

    (ii) require modifications to one or more of the collective bargaining agreements under or pursuant to which the trust was or is established or maintained.

    (c) A waiver granted under Subsection 31A-30-104(5) shall not apply to an individual who participates in the trust because the individual is an associate member of an employee organization or the beneficiary of such an individual.