R58-24-4. Criteria for Awarding Grants  

Latest version.
  • In awarding grants, the Department shall consider the extent to which the applicant:

    (1) demonstrates that it meets organization criteria in Section 4-40-102 (4);

    (2) demonstrates that it will provide spay and neuter services for cats and dogs belonging to a low-income person as required in Section 4-40-102 (4);

    (3) provides:

    (a) information that requirements established in Section 4-40-102 (5) are met;

    (b) an organization operation plan with a statement of specific measurable objectives and methods to be used to assess the achievement of those objectives;

    (c) a schedule of fees the voucher shall cover; and

    (d) the number of estimated animal procedures to be provided with the grant award.