R58-11-8. Producer/Growers Sharing a Fixed Facility  

Latest version.
  •   (1) Each producer/grower must comply with all the laws and regulations governing such establishments as set forth in Utah Meat and Poultry and Poultry Products Inspection and Licensing Act, this rule, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Poultry Exemptions, and federal regulations that apply.

      (2) The poultry producer/grower shall hold a valid Custom Exempt Meat Establishment License (2202) issued by the department. The individual who holds the 2202 license shall be present when slaughter and processing operations are being performed.

      (3) The department shall be notified five business days prior to slaughtering and processing. The individual shall provide the department with the following information pertaining to the slaughtering and processing of birds:

      (a) the date;

      (b) the time; and

      (c) the location.

      (4) The producer/grower shall:

      (a) conduct a pre-operational inspection on all food-contact surfaces;

      (b) document the findings of the pre-operational inspection and corrective actions as described in 9 CFR 416.12(a) and 416.15 prior to the commencement of operations;

      (c) maintain records for at least one year and have them available for inspection upon request by department officials;

      (d) fully label product in accordance with this rule before leaving the facility;

      (e) maintain the product temperature at 40 degrees F or less during transport;

      (f) keep a written recall plan as described in 9 CFR 418 and have it available upon request by department officials;

      (5) Producer/growers shall not process on the same day as any other producer/grower.