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Utah Administrative Code (Current through November 1, 2019) |
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R547. Human Services, Juvenile Justice Services |
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R547-7. Juvenile Holding Room Standards |
R547-7-3. Standards for Two Hour Juvenile Detention in Local Law Enforcement Facilities
(1) Criteria by which juveniles may be held:
(a) The maximum holding period will be two hours as provided for by Subsection 62A-7-201(4).
(b) Extensive efforts will be made by holding authorities during these two hours to contact the juvenile's parents, guardian, or other responsible adult and arrange for the juvenile's release.
(c) No juvenile under ten years of age will be held by holding authorities, as set forth in the following standards, for any length of time.
(d) Only juveniles who are alleged to have committed a non-status offense or are accused of juvenile handgun possession may be detained for identification or interrogation or while awaiting release to a parent or other responsible adult.
(e) Despite the authorization to hold a juvenile in a certified holding room for up to two hours, no juvenile shall be held in such a room unless there is no other alternative which will protect the juvenile and the community.
(2) Any holding facility intended for use for juveniles must be certified by the state Division of Juvenile Justice Services, Subsection 62A-7-201(4).
(3) There shall be acceptable sight and sound separation from adult inmates, as found in Subsection 62A-7-201(4). Written policy and procedure shall exist to assure supervision is maintained so that both visual contact and verbal communication between juvenile detainees and adult inmates is prohibited.
(4) The juvenile holding rooms and the building in which they are located shall conform to all applicable:
(a) zoning laws;
(b) local and state safety, fire, and building codes;
(c) local and state health codes.
(5) All two hour holding room areas provide for, at a minimum:
(a) access to a toilet and wash basin;
(b) adequate shelter, heat, light, and ventilation that does not compromise security or enable escape;
(c) access to a drinking fountain;
(d) adequate utilitarian furnishings, including suitable chairs or benches.
(6) Whenever juveniles are detained, there shall be at a minimum:
(a) Removal of all property from the juvenile that could compromise the juvenile's safety, such as belts, shoelaces, and suspenders, prior to placing a juvenile in a holding room;
(b) constant on-site supervision, through visual monitoring and audio two way communication, Subsection 62A-7-201(4);
(c) a P.O.S.T. certified or qualified staff must be available to intervene within 60 seconds should a problem or medical emergency arise with a juvenile;
(d) frequent personal checks must occur with the juvenile to maintain communication and prevent panic and feelings of isolation;
(e) a written record of significant incidents and activities of the juvenile.
(7) A staff member of the same sex shall supervise the personal hygiene activities and care such as toilet related activities.
(8) When procedures require physical contact or examination, such as strip searches, these shall be done by a staff member of the same sex in private without TV monitoring. Body cavity searches shall be performed only when there is probable cause to believe that weapons or contraband will be found. With the exception of the mouth, all body cavity searches performed visually will be done by two personnel of the same sex as the youth. Manually performed body cavity searches will be performed by medically trained personnel, at least one of which will be the same sex as the youth being examined.
(9) There shall be no viewing devices, such as peep holes or mirrors, of which the juvenile is not aware.
(10) No detainee, juvenile or adult, shall be allowed to have authority or disciplinary control over, be permitted to supervise, or provide services of any nature to other detained juveniles.
(11) The juvenile's health and safety while in the holding room shall be safeguarded by following standard elements on medical and health service. In order to assure this, the holding room administration shall:
(a) have services available to provide 24 hours a day emergency medical care;
(b) provide for immediate examination and treatment, if necessary, of juveniles injured on the holding room premises;
(c) not accept juveniles who are unconscious, obviously seriously injured, obviously a suicide risk, obviously emotionally disturbed, or obviously under the influence of alcohol or drugs and are unable to care for themselves, until they have been examined by a qualified medical practitioner or have been taken to a medical facility for appropriate diagnosis and treatment and released back to the holding room;
(d) train all holding room staff members to recognize symptoms of mental illness;
(e) require that any medical services provided while the juvenile is held be recorded.
(12) As long as classification standards are met, juveniles may be detained together if age, compatibility, dangerousness, and other relevant factors are considered. Juveniles of opposite genders may not be detained together.
(13) There must be written procedures in holding rooms governing the acceptance of juveniles, which include the following:
(a) When an officer or other person takes a juvenile into custody, they shall without unnecessary delay notify the parents, guardian, or custodian.
(b) The holding room staff shall verify with the officer or other person taking the juvenile into custody that the juvenile's parents, guardian, or custodian have been notified of the juvenile's detention. If notification did not occur, agency staff will contact the juvenile's parents, guardian, or custodian.
(14) There must be written policy and procedure that require that the decision to detain the juvenile for up to two hours or release the juvenile be in accordance with the following principles: Sections 78A-6-112, 78A-6-113, and 62A-7-201.
(a) A juvenile shall not be detained any longer than is reasonably necessary to obtain their name, age, residence and any other necessary information, and to contact the juvenile's parents, guardian, or custodian.
(b) The juvenile shall then be released to the care of the parent or other responsible adult unless the immediate welfare or the protection of the community requires that the juvenile be detained or that it is unsafe for the juvenile or the public to leave the juvenile in the care of the parents, guardian or custodian. If after interrogation it is found that the juvenile should be detained, transfer to an appropriate juvenile facility shall occur without unnecessary delay.
(c) A release record must be maintained which includes:
(i) information regarding physical and emotional condition of juvenile;
(ii) relationship of adult assuming release responsibility to juvenile;
(iii) means of proof of adult identification;
(iv) signature of said adult assuming responsibility regarding juvenile's physical and emotional condition and understanding of reason for holding the juvenile in custody.
(15) An admission or referral form must be completed on each juvenile detained which includes, as a minimum, the following information:
(a) date and time of admission and release;
(b) name, nicknames, and aliases;
(c) last known address;
(d) law enforcement jurisdiction, name, and title, of delivering officer;
(e) specific charges;
(f) sex;
(g) date of birth and place of birth;
(h) race or nationality;
(i) medical problems, if any;
(j) parents, guardian, or responsible person to notify in case of emergency, including addresses and telephone numbers;
(k) space for remarks, to include notation of any open wounds or sores requiring treatment, evidence of disease or body vermin, or tattoos;
(l) probation officer or caseworker assigned, if any.
(16) The written procedures governing the stay of a juvenile shall include:
(a) A juvenile, while held in a certified holding room, shall have the same legal and civil rights as an adult detainee.
(b) A juvenile, while held in a certified holding room, shall have the right to the same number of telephone calls as an adult detainee held the same amount of time.
(17) A case record shall be maintained on each juvenile and shall be kept in a secure place. It shall contain, as a minimum, the following information and documents:
(a) initial intake information form;
(b) documented legal authority to accept, detain, and release youth;
(c) record of incident reports;
(d) a record of cash and valuables held;
(e) visitors' names, if any, personal and professional, and dates of visits;
(f) final release or transfer report.
(18) The holding room facility director shall submit to the state Division of Juvenile Justice Services a monthly accurate report of the numbers of juveniles confined during the preceding month and provide information on each juvenile in the categories indicated on the report form as provided by the state.
(19) Written policy and procedure provide that when a juvenile is in need of hospitalization, a staff member accompanies and stays with the juvenile until admission, if permitted by medical personnel, or until an adult family member or legal guardian arrives to remain with the juvenile.
(20) All informed consent standards in the jurisdiction are observed and documented for medical care. The informed consent of parent, guardian, or legal custodian applies when required by law. When health care is rendered against the patient's will, it is ordered by a standing magistrate or deemed an emergency as defined by Section 26-8a-601.
(21) Written policy and procedure provide that juveniles are not subjected to corporal or unusual punishment, humiliation, or mental abuse.
(22) Written policy and procedure restrict the use of restraints or physical force to instances of justifiable self-defense, protection of juveniles and others, protection of property and prevention of escapes, and only when it is necessary to control juveniles and in accordance with the principle of least restrictive action. In no event is physical force justifiable as punishment. A written report is prepared following all uses of force and is submitted to the facility administrator.
(23) At intake, each juvenile detained is informed of the steps in the detention process.
(24) Juvenile processing procedures shall include written safeguards to prohibit nonoffenders from being detained in the facility and to ensure youth are held in accordance with R547-7-3(1)(c) and (d).