Utah Administrative Code (Current through November 1, 2019) |
R539. Human Services, Services for People with Disabilities |
R539-3. Rights and Protections |
R539-3-9. Participation in Hospice Services
(1) Persons expected by their physicians to live fewer than six months have the right to pursue hospice services as their choice of end-of-life care. A Person who is expected by two physicians to live fewer than six months and who receives Division funding for services and supports may request to continue to receive their Division-funded services and supports while participating in hospice services.
(2) If a Person has not executed a Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care and is incapable of making an informed decision about hospice services or signing a Hospice Agreement, choices related to end-of-life care shall be made on behalf of the Person by the Team upon approval of the Provider Human Rights Committee unless a guardian has been appointed by the Court with the legal authority to make end-of-life decisions for the Person.
(3) If a Person receives Waiver services through the Division and elects the Medicaid hospice benefit and meets the program eligibility requirements in accordance with R414-14A-3, hospice shall become the primary service delivery program, including the primary case management program, for the care of the Person. All other Medicaid programs serving the Person at the time of hospice election, including Waivers, shall coordinate with the hospice case management team to determine the full scope of services that shall be provided from that point forward.
(a) Pursuant to R414-14A-7(A), a Person can continue to receive Division services through the Waiver program that are necessary to prevent institutionalization, are not duplicative of services covered by the hospice benefit, and do not conflict with the hospice plan of treatment.
(b) The Medicaid hospice benefit shall determine the actual number of times a Person can revoke and re-elect hospice services, which hospice Providers and services are available, and which Waiver services may continue concurrently with hospice services.
(c) If the Division wishes to initiate disenrollment of a Medicaid-funded Person from the Waiver based on the Person's election of hospice services, it shall be considered an involuntary disenrollment and will be subject to review and approval by the Department of Health, Division of Health Care Finance.