R512-500-6. Evaluation of Capacity for Ongoing Care of a Child  

Latest version.
  • (1) The Child and Family Team will determine the most appropriate caregiver to meet the ongoing and permanency needs of the child.

    (a) Since the Preliminary Placement is made in an emergency situation they may or may not be the most appropriate caregiver to meet the ongoing and permanency needs of the child.

    (b) The ongoing caregiver may be the kinship caregiver who is the Preliminary Placement or may be a different prospective caregiver.

    (2) Child and Family Services will evaluate with the prospective caregiver their capacity for ongoing care of the child as well as permanency if reunification efforts are not successful. The components of the evaluation process include:

    (a) The child-specific home study, including:

    (i) Results of the background screening specified in R512-500-7;

    (ii) Obtaining positive written references from three different people known to the kinship caregiver expressing the referent's opinion about the family's ability to care for the child;

    (iii) Physical and emotional ability of the kinship caregiver to provide adequate care for the child;

    (iv) Understanding of family dynamics and how placement will impact relationships within the family;

    (v) Ability to provide for the child's safety and well-being needs and to support a plan for permanency;

    (vi) Analysis of the type of resources and support needed by the kinship caregiver to care for the child.

    (vii) Ability of the home to meet required safety standards of the Office of Licensing.

    (b) Providing information to the kinship caregiver to assist with considering options for ongoing care of the child, including:

    (i) Educating the kinship caregiver of the expectations of caring for a child who is under the jurisdiction of the court.

    (ii) Assessing the resources that may be available to assist the kinship caregiver in providing a stable placement for the child.

    (iii) Becoming a licensed out-of-home care placement for the child.

    (iv) Requesting temporary custody and guardianship from the court.