R510-400-5. Eligibility  

Latest version.
  • (1) Services may be provided as funds permit to eligible adults as determined by DAAS Policy and Procedures for Home and Community Based Alternatives services.

    (2) Older Americans Act Title IIIB Services may be provided to eligible Aging and Aged Adults.

    (3) PROCEDURES-Home and Community Based Alternatives Program Eligibility:

    (a) The DAAS Eligibility Declaration form shall be used to determine financial eligibility.

    (b) Eligibility is determined by the Agency using the following criteria:

    (i) Age: Clients must meet the definition of an Adult.

    (ii) Income and Assets:

    (A) Income and asset guidelines shall be established by the Division prior to July 1 of each year and shall remain in effect until suspended.

    (B) The Client's and their spouse's income and assets will be considered in determining eligibility using the DAAS Eligibility Declaration form.

    (iii) Frailty level:

    (A) The Client's Assessment Risk Score must be at a moderate to high level as measured by a DAAS approved assessment instrument.

    (iv) Payer of last resort:

    (A) Payer of last resort is the term used to denote that the Alternatives program is liable for payment for care and services only after all other liable third parties have met their legal obligation to pay.

    (4) PROCEDURES-Older American Act Titles IIIB Services Program eligibility:

    (a) Clients are determined eligible based on age and need. Income and Assets will not be used as a basis for providing services under Older Americans Act Service Programs.

    (b) Eligibility is determined by the Agency using the following criteria:

    (i) Age: Clients must be 60 years of age or older.

    (ii) Need Criterion: The Client must have an Assessment Risk Score at a moderate to high level as measured by a DAAS approved assessment instrument.