R510-400-16. Termination of Services  

Latest version.
  •   (1) The Agency shall allow for the interruption, transfer and for termination for the client receiving Home and Community-based Alternatives Services or Older Americans Act Title IIIB Services as changes in client needs, Agency Provider, circumstances or conditions occur.

      (2) PROCEDURE-Temporary Interruption of Service:

      (a) Program Services may be interrupted for temporary periods (e.g. Hospitalization, out-of-state visiting, etc.): Such discontinuance of service shall not exceed 90 consecutive days. After this period, the case will either be closed and reopened as a new case with no priority other than Risk Score, or will be reviewed by the agency to determine a resumption of services.

      (b) Waivers of time limit of the temporary interruption may be granted on an individual basis.

      (c) Requests for a waiver must be in writing and approved by the Agency Director or his designee.

      (d) Waiver requests, documentation and accompanying approval or denial must be maintained in the client's file.

      (3) PROCEDURE-Termination of Service:

      (a) When a client terminates service, the Case Manager will document in the case file the circumstances that precipitated the termination.

      (b) Services may be terminated due to the following circumstances:

      (i) When health and safety needs can no longer be met.

      (ii) Death of the client.

      (iii) Program funding does not allow services to continue.

      (iv) The client transfers out of the original planning and service area. The client may re-apply at the new planning and service area and services may be provided as funds permit to eligible adults as determined by DAAS Policy and Procedures for the Home and Community Based Alternatives program services.

      (v) The client's financial situation improves beyond eligibility criteria, in which case agencies are encouraged to investigate options for transferring the client to other appropriate programs when discontinuing services. However, in this transfer, the client should not be given special preferences that would place them ahead of other potential clients in an applicant list situation.

      (vi) Client chooses to leave the program.

      (vii) Client refuses to comply with the care plan, exhibits inappropriate behaviors, or does not pay monthly fees.