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Utah Administrative Code (Current through November 1, 2019) |
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R510. Human Services, Aging and Adult Services |
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R510-104. Nutrition Programs for the Elderly (NPE) |
R510-104-1. Purpose |
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This Rule explains and clarifies the senior nutrition programs administered in Utah. |
R510-104-2. Authority |
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This Rule is authorized by 62A-3-104; 42 USC Section 3001 |
R510-104-3. Nutrition Services Principles |
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(1) The Division shall develop a comprehensive and coordinated nutrition service system statewide. The Division shall encourage and assist the AAAs in utilization of resources to develop greater capacity in their nutrition programs and services. The Division will approve a nutrition screening tool that will be used to identify nutritional risk or malnutrition. All seniors participating in the Nutrition Program For The Elderly, Congregate and Home Delivered Meals, are strongly encouraged to complete the nutrition screen. If an individual does not want to fill out the screening form, he or she will not be denied a meal. A nutrition screen may be required by a AAA for a client to receive liquid meals. (2) The Division shall monitor, coordinate, and assist in the planning of nutritional services with the advice of a registered dietitian or an individual with comparable expertise. The nutrition service system shall provide older Utahns, particularly those in the greatest economic and social need categories, with particular attention to low-income and low-income minorities, access and outreach to nutrition services, nutrition education and nutritionally sound meals, to promote better health through improved diet. (3) Policy and Procedures approved by the Utah State Board of Aging and Adult Services shall be used by the Division and its contractors/grantees in the conduct of all functions and responsibilities required in carrying out services and funding categories of the Title III Part C Nutrition Program, including Congregate Meals (Part C-1), Home-Delivered Meals (Part C-2), Nutrition Education and Nutrition Outreach, and the Nutrition Services Incentive Program (NSIP). |
R510-104-4. Definitions |
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(1) Congregate Meals -- Meals provided five or more days a week (except in a rural area where such frequency is not feasible (as defined by the Assistant Secretary by regulation) and a lesser frequency is approved by the State agency), provide at least one hot or other appropriate meal per day and any additional meals which the recipient of a grant or contract under this subpart may elect to provide; which shall be provided in congregate settings, including adult day care facilities and multigenerational meal sites; and which may include nutrition education services and other appropriate nutrition services for older individuals. (2) NSIP -- Nutrition Services Incentive Program. The NSIP Program authorizes cash payments to State Units on Aging (SUA) as a proportional share of the Federal fiscal year allocation. The allocation is based on the number of meals served by a single SUA in the previous year in proportion to the total number of meals served by all SUAs that year. Meals counted for purposes of NSIP reporting are those that satisfy the requirements of Title III-C of the OAA. (3) Provisional Meals -- Meals delivered to a congregate meals participant who is unable to personally visit the congregate meals site for a limited period of time (to be determined by the AAA). The AAA has the discretion to determine what circumstances would make provisional meals appropriate. (4) NPE -- Nutrition Programs for the Elderly. The term primarily refers to Congregate Meals and Meals on wheels which utilize state and federal funding to provide services to seniors, although Food Stamps may also be considered as a NPE. (5) Division -- Utah State Division of Aging and Adult Services. (6) AAA -- Area Agency on Aging. (7) Dietary Guidelines for Americans -- The "Dietary Guidelines for Americans" has been published jointly every 5 years since 1980 by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Department of Agriculture (USDA). The Guidelines provide authoritative advice for people two years and older about how good dietary habits can promote health and reduce risk for major chronic diseases. They serve as the basis for Federal food and nutrition education programs. The Guidelines also clarify the Daily Reference Intake (DRI), which replaces the Recommended Daily Amounts (RDA) previously used to determine the nutritional values of the meals served under the nutrition programs. The complete document can be accessed at http://www.health.gov/dietaryguidelines/dga2005/document/default.htm (8) Modified diets -- Now referred to as Medical Nutritional Therapy by the American Dietician Association, this refers to meals that have been altered to make them compatible with a particular client's nutritional needs. Examples include limiting sodium for a client with high blood pressure or restructuring the portions or components of a meal to accommodate a client with diabetes. (9) NAPIS -- National Aging Program Information Systems. This system allows the Utah Division of Aging and Adult Services to report the services provided under Titles III and VII of the Older Americans Act. RTZ's GetCare system is the vehicle the Division uses to interface with the federal NAPIS system. (10) Nutrition Case Manager -- the AAA staff person who evaluates a potential client's situation and recommends an appropriate nutrition plan (i.e., Meals on Wheels), as well as other services where appropriate. (11) OAA -- The Older American's Act. Originally signed into law by President Lyndon B. Johnson the act created the Administration on Aging and authorizes grants to States for community planning and services programs, as well as for research, demonstration and training projects in the field of aging. Later amendments to the Act added grants to Area Agencies on Aging for local needs identification, planning, and funding of services, including but not limited to nutrition programs in the community as well as for those who are homebound; programs which serve Native American elders; services targeted at low-income minority elders; health promotion and disease prevention activities; in-home services for frail elders, and those services which protect the rights of older persons such as the long term care ombudsman program. |
R510-104-5. General Provisions |
Latest version.
(1) Nutritional Requirements: (a) Food Requirements: AAAs shall ensure that the meals provided through their nutrition projects comply with the DRI Guidelines for Americans. Compliance shall be documented for each meal served by the nutrition provider. (i) Handbook 8 of USDA (located at http://www.nal.usda.gov/ref/USDApubs/aghandbk.htm#sortnbr) (ii) Computer analysis based upon an acceptable software program approved by the Division. (iii) Computation of food values for portions of food commonly used. (b) Menu Cycles and Analysis: (i) Nutrition providers shall send an approved copy of the menus to be used to the appropriate nutrition site(s) and to the AAA. (c) A registered dietitian and/or nutritionist shall sign off on the menus and recipes used under the nutrition programs to ensure meals served meet DRI guidelines.) Any substitutions (deviations) from the approved menu(s) shall be documented and reported by the nutrition project director. (ii) Service providers contracting with a third party shall stipulate in the contract that menus must be received by the service provider at least one week prior to use for analysis and approval. (iii) Any substitutions to the original menus must be documented and kept on file. For audit purposes, menus shall be maintained for a minimum of 3 years, or until disposition is authorized by the grantor agency. (d) Modified Diets: (i) Modified diets shall be available to program participants. Each project will provide modified menus where the AAA director feels they are feasible and appropriate to meet the particular dietary needs arising from the health requirements, religious requirements, or ethnic backgrounds of eligible individuals. The AAA shall be responsible for the method of obtaining orders for modified diets, maintaining such orders on file and reviewing them. (e) Utensils for the Blind and Disabled: Upon request, the AAA may provide the appropriate food containers and utensils for the blind and the disabled. The provider is required to submit nutrition program data to the National Aging Program Information System (NAPIS). (f) A cold "sack lunch" that meets the DRI requirements may be offered to eligible participants. (g) A written copy of the appeal process shall be made available to those denied this service. |
R510-104-6. Eligibility for Nutrition and Nutrition Support Services |
Latest version.
(1) All persons aged 60 and older and their spouses, regardless of his/her age, are eligible for OAA nutrition services. If sufficient resources are not available to serve all eligible individuals who request a service, the AAA shall ensure that preference is given to those of greatest social or economic need, with particular attention to low-income, limited English speaking individuals and low-income minorities. (2) Other Individuals who may receive congregate and home-delivered meals at the election of the AAA include those listed below. These individuals do not need to pay for the meal, but are encouraged to make the recommended donation as a qualified senior would: (a) Individuals with disabilities (who has not attained the age of 60), if they reside in a housing facility primarily occupied by elderly persons that has a congregate meal site funded by the OAA on the premises. (b) Clients of Home and Community-Based Alternatives program who are under 60 may be allowed to participate in the nutrition program as capacity allows. To be eligible to receive meals through nutrition programs, the client's case manager must include nutrition services in the care plan. If the participant is under 60, the Alternatives program shall pay the actual cost of the meal as determined by the AAA, rather than the suggested donation. (c) Individuals with disabilities who reside at home with and accompany to a congregate meal site an older individual who may be eligible under the Act. (d) Volunteers who are specifically assist with the nutrition program may be given a meal regardless of age. |
R510-104-7. Providers Selection |
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(1) The AAA shall make awards for congregate and home-delivered nutrition services to providers that furnish either or both types of service. Each AAA shall assure that each service provider selected meets all applicable Federal, State and Local regulations. (2) Each AAA, when feasible, shall give preference in making awards for home-delivered meal services to providers that meet the following: (a) Organizations that have demonstrated an ability to provide home-delivered meals efficiently and reasonably, andthat furnish assurances to the AAA that they will maintain efforts to solicit voluntary support and that OAA funds made available will not be used to supplant funds from non-federal sources. (b) Food service certification in applied food service sanitation by nationally recognized industry programs and approved by the Utah State Department of Health, shall be required for one person per shift where food is prepared and cooked for NPE meals. (3) Each AAA shall provide a mechanism that will assure the review of need for home-delivered meals for absent participants at the Congregate Sites. Each AAA shall develop a policy, to be reviewed and approved by DAAS regarding regular attendees who cannot attend the congregate site due to illness or other reasons, which determines whether and how often a client may receive provisional meals delivered to them from the congregate site by a spouse, friend or volunteer. If provisional meals are needed, AAA staff must document the client's needs and should consider the appropriateness of encouraging the client to participate in the home delivered meal program. |
R510-104-8. Additional Meal Policy |
Latest version.
(1) Nutrition providers may serve a second meal or third meal if planned as an objective in the Area Plan. When two meals are served per day, they shall provide 66 2/3% of the DRI. When three meals are served per day, they shall provide 100% of the DRI. Provision of more than one meal qualifies for NSIP reimbursement if each meal meets the 33 1/3% DRI. Second helpings of the same meal that do not constitute a complete meal (i.e., a second serving of mashed potatoes) do not qualify for NSIP reimbursement. A second complete meal complying with the DRI, provided to a senior as a second meal, does qualify for NSIP reimbursement. (2) To qualify second meals in the local meal county reports for USDA reimbursement, AAAs will be allowed to serve up to 1.5% of the total meals per quarter in second meals without formally developing a local second meal policy. If second meals claimed in the local meal count reports are equal to or greater than 1.5% of total first meals per quarter, a second meal policy shall be developed by each local AAA for USDA reimbursement. (3) Nutrition services providers may serve a second meal to Senior Citizens who have been identified through nutrition screening to be at nutritional risk and/or socially or economically in need. The AAA shall have written program objectives which are specific, verifiable, and achievable for nutrition service provider(s), including the number and frequency of meals to be served at each designated congregates site or center, and to individual recipients in the home delivered meal program, if providing more than 1.5% of total meals as second meals. (a) Second meals should be packaged so that the food will more likely be kept at proper storage temperatures for a reasonable length of time. (b) The participants who receive a second meal shall be given the opportunity to make a second confidential contribution for that meal. (c) Records will be maintained by the nutrition provider(s) on all additional meals served to eligible participants. |
R510-104-9. Emergency Meals |
Latest version.
(1) AAAs shall develop written procedures to be followed by the service providers for the provision of emergency meals in the event of weather related emergencies, disasters, or situations which may interrupt meal service or the transportation of participants to the nutrition site. Through the intake, assessment, and re-evaluation process, clients will be identified who do not have food within their home, or through nearby support networks to provide the nutrition they need to last through short term emergencies. |
R510-104-10. Outreach |
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(1) Each nutrition provider shall establish outreach activities which encourage the maximum number of eligible clients to participate. Nutrition Education: Each project shall provide nutrition education on at least a semi-annual basis. |
R510-104-11. Medical Meals |
Latest version.
(1) In situations where nutritional considerations make solid foods inappropriate, the need for nutrient supplements to include medical meals (meeting the required RDI Guidelines) may be part of medical nutrition therapy recommended by a registered dietitian, registered nurse or physician, primarily when the participant cannot tolerate or digest regular meals. (2) Only seniors are eligible for medical meals purchased through the Nutrition Program for the Elderly (NPE) funding. Exceptions can be made for Alternatives clients under 60. Additionally, AAAs always have the discretion to use county dollars in any way they see fit. (3) A medical or secondary meal shall only be offered in place of regular food as the first meal. In order to receive medical meals through the Nutrition Programs for the Elderly (NPS), the following requirements must be met: (i) A demographic questionnaire must be completed (for the AAA records). (ii) A physician must issue a prescription, or a clinically based assessment must be completed by a dietician or nurse. (4) A medical meal distributed through the AAAs' NPE Programs must meet the 33 1/3 DRI nutrient requirements. If the medical meal is picked up by the client or client representative at a senior center, the meal will count as a congregate meal (C1) and if the medical meal is delivered to the client's home by the AAA staff, the meal will be considered a home delivered meal (C2). (5) The Participant may not be provided more than a one month supply of medical liquid supplement at one time. (6) A confidential contribution system shall be in place with a suggested donation in order to qualify the medical meal for the USDA cash-in-lieu reimbursement. |
R510-104-12. Food Service Management |
Latest version.
(1) Food Service Management: All AAAs shall ensure the following: (a) Each meal project shall comply with applicable State and local laws regarding the safe and sanitary handling of food, equipment, and supplies used in storage, preparation, service, and delivery of meals to older adults. Compliance with current Serv-Safe guidelines (http://www.servsafe.com/) ensures proper compliance to the State and local requirements. All food used by the nutrition service provider(s) must meet standards of quality, sanitation, and safety applying to foods that are processed commercially and purchased by the project. No food prepared or canned in a home or any other non-licensed facility may be used in meals provided by a project financed through the nutrition service provider(s) award. (b) Inventories: Each AAA shall require that accurate inventory records for consumable goods be maintained for four years by nutrition projects funded in whole or in part by the Older Americans Act funds. Either the periodic or perpetual system of inventory shall be acceptable, if conducted consistent with generally accepted inventory control principles. (c) Training: The provider shall plan and provide training and supervision in sanitation, food preparation, and portion control by qualified personnel for all paid and volunteer staff who prepare, handle and serve food. Each of these individuals must have a current Food Handlers Permit. (d) Refrigerated Storage: The refrigeration cooling period for hot food brought below 40 degrees Fahrenheit shall not exceed 4 hours. (i) All prepared foods that are frozen in a nutrition project kitchen shall be chilled in a rapid chills system which reduces the temperature of foods to 70 degrees within 2 hours and shall be cooled to an internal product temperature of 41 degrees F or below within the following 2 hours. (e) Frozen Food Requirements: All packaged frozen meals and freezing methods used to freeze meals utilized by the nutrition project, must meet the requirements of the State of Utah Health Department regulations. (f) Hot Food Requirements: (i) Beef products including hamburger shall be cooked to an internal temperature of 155 degrees F, poultry shall be cooked to an internal temperature of 165 degrees F and pork shall be cooked to an internal temperature of 165 degrees F. (ii) All hot foods shall be maintained at 140 degrees F or above, from the time of final food preparation to completion of service. (g) Cold Food Requirements: Cold foods shall be maintained at 41 degrees F or below from time of initial service to completion of service. (h) The nutrition project shall make temperature checks of all prepared, received and transported meals. (i) Staffing: The nutrition service provider shall: (i) Be encouraged by the AAA to give preference to employing those qualified persons age sixty (60) and over, including those of greatest economic or social need; (ii) Designate a person responsible for the conduct of the project who has the necessary authority to conduct day-to-day management functions of the provider; (iii) Use a registered dietitian or nutritionist to provide necessary nutrition services. (j) If serving a meal to staff under 60 deprives elderly target population individuals with reservations from securing a meal, other arrangements should be made for staff. |
R510-104-13. Contribution Policy |
Latest version.
(1) The actual cost, as defined by the AAA and reported to the State, of a congregate meal shall be posted at the nutrition site. Suggested contribution and actual cost shall be posted in a prominent conspicuous location. (2) Each eligible participant shall have an opportunity to voluntarily and anonymously contribute toward the cost of a provided meal service. (3) Persons under the age of 60 shall pay the full cost of the meal, which shall be collected and accounted for separately. Exceptions can be made for the individuals previously listed (spouses of seniors regardless of age, individuals with disabilities who reside with seniors, individuals providing volunteer service, and underage individuals residing in senior housing sites in which congregate meals are served) who are encouraged to make the standard meal donation. (4) Each AAA shall establish and implement procedures which will protect the privacy of the client's decision to contribute or not contribute toward the meal service rendered. (a) There shall be locked contribution boxes in a place where anonymous donations can be made, which shall not be monitored for contributions, in order to assure the confidentiality of the donation. (5) Participant contributions shall be counted by two persons, and both individuals shall sign a form attesting to the correct count. A copy of such signed documentation shall be kept on file. (6) Under no circumstances may an eligible client be denied service(s) by a provider who received funds from the AAA (for that service) because of the client's decision not to contribute for services rendered. |
R510-104-14. Congregate Meals |
Latest version.
Requirements for Congregate Meal Providers: (1) Each AAA and AAA Advisory Council, or local equivalent, shall determine the number of congregate sites to be established and their days of operation. (2) Local AAA's must provide congregate meals a minimum of five days per week except in a rural area where such frequency is not feasible and a lesser frequency has been approved by the division). (3) Leftover Food: (a) All food transported to sites which becomes "leftover," except unopened prepackaged food, must be properly disposed of at the meal site or the main food preparation site in compliance with State Health Department regulations. (b) AAAs shall develop policies and procedures to minimize leftover meals. Use of a reservation system for participation in the congregate meal program is recommended. (c) Leftovers shall be offered to all participants as second helpings at those congregate settings which do not have on-site methods to preserve leftover food to meet the nutritional standards for later consumption which are approved by the State Health Department). If a complete meal is provided to a client as a second meal, the client shall be given an opportunity to make another confidential donation. (d) Each nutrition site, in a location that is easily visible to patrons, shall have a disclaimer which states: "For Your Safety: Food removed from the center must be kept hot or refrigerated promptly. We cannot be responsible for illness or problems caused by improperly handled food." (e) No food shall be taken from the site by staff. (f) Leftover foods at on-site cooking facilities shall be properly refrigerated and incorporated into subsequent meals whenever possible. (4) Food being served shall be protected from consumer contamination by the use of packaging or by the use of an easily cleanable counter, serving line, or salad bar protector devices, display cases, or by other means which minimize human contact with the food being served. Enough hot or cold food serving containers shall be available to maintain the required temperature of potentially hazardous food. |
R510-104-15. Home Delivered Meals |
Latest version.
All individuals requesting home-delivered meals shall be assessed and only those individuals who have been determined to be homebound, as defined below, shall be eligible for a home-delivered meal. (1) Homebound Status: (a) A person shall be determined to be homebound if he/she is unable to leave home without assistance because of a disabling physical, emotional or environmental condition. (b) Homebound status shall be documented. The Division shall approve the method of assessment to ensure standard measurable criteria. (c) Written documentation of eligibility shall be maintained by the AAA. (d) Homebound status shall be reviewed or re-evaluated on a regular basis, but not less frequently than annually. (i) A waiver of the full annual assessment may be approved by the AAA director or designee. A written statement of waiver shall be placed in the client's file and shall be reviewed annually. (e) Top priority may be given to emergency requests. Home-delivered meals for an emergency may start as soon as possible after the determination of urgent need has been made. A full assessment will be made within 14 calendar days from the date of request to determine continued eligibility. (2) Requirements for Home-Delivered Meal Providers: (a) Home-delivered meal service within a Planning and Service Area (PSA) shall be available 5 or more days per week. (b) Division approval must be obtained for Home-delivered meal plans that provide meals 4 days/week or less in rural areas. (3) A home-delivered meal, intended for a meal client that cannot be delivered, may be given to another home-delivered meal client as a second meal. This second meal would qualify for NSIP reimbursement, provided the recipient meets the eligibility criteria. |
R510-104-16. Financial Policies |
Latest version.
Project income generated by Title III-C can only be used to: (1) expand the number of meals provided or to facilitate access to such meals (transportation and outreach); (2) integrate systematic nutrition screening for nutrition/malnutrition and food insecurity; or (3) to provide other supportive services directly related to nutrition services, such as outreach, information and referral, transportation, access to grocery shopping, help with food stamp procurement, social activities in conjunction with a meal, and nutrition education. |
R510-104-17. Restriction on Use of Funds |
Latest version.
(1) Program income generated by OAA Title III Part C-1 and Part C-2 may be used as the additional alternative (to expand the number of meals provided, or to facilitate access to such meals or to provide other supportive services directly related to expanding nutrition services) or the cost sharing alternatives as stated in 45 CFR 92.259(g)(2) (to match federal and/or state funds) or, a combination of the two alternatives. (2) To defray program costs, a AAA which serves as the nutrition provider may also perform Nutrition Services for other groups and programs outside the parameters of the Nutrition Program for the Elderly under the OAA, providing such services will not interfere with the project or programs for which the contract was originally granted. These extra nutrition activities shall be managed in a manner that does not impede the preparation or delivery of nutrition services to the elderly, and shall charge the full cost of preparation and delivery of the nutrition services as set forth by the provider. When persons 60 years of age and older participate in these "special events," they assume the identity of the activity and are obligated to pay the requested fee for participation. This shall not be confused with the donation policy of the Title III Nutrition Programs. A nutrition provider who contracts with a AAA is obviously free to serve other clients as it wishes. |
R510-104-18. Nutrition Services Incentive Program (NSIP) Participation (Commodities and Cash-In-Lieu of Commodities) |
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Currently, the NSIP program is used by the federal government to provide reimbursement for meals served under nutrition programs that meet the reporting criteria for federally funded meals. The NSIP reimbursements have, for the most part, replaced the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) practice of presenting nutrition service providers with either food commodities or cash-in-lieu of commodities to supplement the nutrition providers' resources. However, the USDA reserves the right to provide cash or commodities in the future. (1) Donated Food Standard Agreement: The AAA or nutrition service provider may enter into a written agreement with the Department of Human Services Federal Food Program of the State of Utah and shall follow all procedures of the "Agreement for Commodities Donated by the U.S. Department of Agriculture." (2) USDA cash-in-lieu of commodities payments or revenue earned, depending on whether the accounting for the USDA program is on a cash or accrual basis, shall be used to offset the cost of raw food and the cost of purchased meals. (3) Cash-In-Lieu of Commodities: (a) AAAs shall promptly disburse all USDA cash-in-lieu of commodities to nutrition providers in their planning and service area that are funded with Title III Part C-1 and Part C-2 funds. (b) AAAs shall ensure that payments received by providers in lieu of commodities shall be used solely for the purchase of: (i) United States agricultural commodities and other foods produced in the United States; or (ii) Meals furnished to them under contractual arrangements with food service management companies, caterers, restaurants, or institutions, have provided that each meal contains United States produce commodities or foods at least equal in value to the per meal cash payment which the nutrition service providers have received. (4) Monitoring, Withholding or Recovering Cash Payments: (a) The Division and the AAAs shall monitor and assess use of payments received in lieu of commodities. Such monitoring shall include periodic on site examination of all pertinent records maintained by service providers, as well as, all such records maintained by suppliers of meals purchased under contractual arrangements. (b) The Division will withhold or recover cash payments in lieu of commodities from an AAA if it determines, through a review of such AAA's reports, program monitoring, financial review or audit, that the AAA has failed to comply with the provisions of this section, or otherwise have failed to adequately document the basis for payments received during the fiscal year. (c) AAAs which do not expend the Cash-In-Lieu within a maximum of two quarters after it has been allocated by the Division shall be evaluated for need and other available resources at the local AAA. Their rate of entitlement may be reduced in succeeding allocation periods. (5) USDA Documentation: (a) AAAs shall ensure that the cost of the U.S. grown food purchased during the project year is at least equal to the amount of the USDA reimbursement under the cash in lieu of commodities program. This documentation shall be based on paid invoices. (b) In the case of meals served under contractual arrangements with food service management companies, caterers, restaurants or institutions, copies of menus and invoices of food purchases that demonstrate that each meal served contained United States produced commodities or food at least equal in value to the per meal cash payments, constitutes adequate documentation. |
R510-104-19. Transfer of Funds |
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Statewide transfers between OAA Title III B and C awards shall not exceed 20%. Transfers between Part C-1 and Part C-2 awards shall not exceed 40% of any one funding category unless the Division requests and receives written approval from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Assistant Secretary for Aging. |
R510-104-20. Documentation and Record Keeping Requirements |
Latest version.
(1) AAAs shall document and maintain all records and forms required to meet state and/or federal requires of the OAA and the USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) for three years. (2) The number of participants participating in Title III C-1, C-1 and their names shall be kept on file in the Planning and Service Area for three years. (3) AAAs shall work with the Division to complete the annual federal NAPIS (see definitions) reporting requirements by use of the current data management system or by other means as agreed to by the Division. |