R510-101. Carryover Policy for Title III: Grants for State and Community Programs on Aging  

R510-101-1. Policy
Latest version.

In accordance with Federal regulation 45 CFR, Chapter XIII Subchapter C, Part 1321.37, the Division of Aging and Adult Services distributes OAA Title III social and nutrition dollars to AAA according to an established intrastate funding formula. All Title III funds of a specified federal year unspent at the end of that year's state contract period shall be re-contracted to the AAA in the succeeding year's contract. Administration of federal carryover funds must conform with federal laws and regulations. All Title III funds carried over by the AAA from one state fiscal year to the next must be spent according to a written amendment to the Area Plan as approved by the Division.

R510-101-2. Process
Latest version.

2.1 The amounts of carryover funds in all Title III categories shall be determined at the time of the final state fiscal year financial report as submitted by the AAA and as reviewed and finalized by the Division.

2.2 Upon Division approval of an Area Plan amendment which designates amount and use of carryover funds, the Division will amend the current state year AAA contract to add all Title III carryover funding from the previous year.

2.3 The Division shall spend out the previous year's funds prior to spending current funds.