Utah Administrative Code (Current through November 1, 2019) |
R432. Health, Family Health and Preparedness, Licensing |
R432-700. Home Health Agency Rule |
R432-700-25. Medication and Treatment
(1) Skilled treatments shall be administered only by licensed personnel to comply with signed orders from a person lawfully authorized to give the order. This order may be remotely given but shall be subsequently signed by the person giving the order within 31 days.
(2) Medications shall be administered according to signed orders from a person lawfully authorized to give the order. This order may be remotely given but shall be subsequently signed by the person giving the order within 31 days.
(3) All orders remotely given shall be received and verified only by licensed personnel lawfully authorized to accept the order. Remotely given orders shall be recorded in the patient's record.
(4) If medications are administered by agency personnel, the orders and subsequent changes in orders, shall be signed by the physician and included in the patient's record.
(5) Unlicensed staff may administer medications only after delegation by a licensed health care professional under the professional scope of practice.
(i) If a licensed health care professional delegates the task of medication administration to unlicensed assistive personnel, the delegation shall be in accordance with the Nurse Practice Act and R156-31B-701;
(ii) The medications must be administered according to the prescribing order;
(iii) The delegating authority must provide and document supervision, evaluation, and training of unlicensed assistive personnel assisting with medication administration;
(iv) The delegating authority or another registered nurse shall be readily available either in person or by telecommunication; and
(v) Delegation to unlicensed staff shall not include delegating medication set up for subsequent medication administration.
(6) Orders for therapy services shall include the procedures to be used, the frequency of therapy, and the duration of therapy.
(7) Orders for skilled services shall be reviewed or renewed by the attending physician at intervals not to exceed 63 days. Physician's signature and date shall be evidence of this review or renewal.
(8) Physician orders may be transmitted by facsimile machine. The agency must be able to obtain the original signature, upon request, if verification of the signature is requested.