R432-3-11. Annual Reporting Requirements

Latest version.
  •   (1) A nursing care facility approved for a health facility license under Section 26-21-23(2)(c) shall submit an annual financial report within 90 days of the end of each calendar year.

      (2) the financial report shall contain:

      (a) total of all revenues received within the calendar year;

      (b) total of all Medicare inpatient revenue received within the calendar year;

      (c) total of all Medicare Advantage revenue received within the calendar year; and

      (d) Percentage of Medicare inpatient revenue including Medicare Advantage revenue in relation to the total of all revenues received within the calendar year.

      (3) The department shall review the submitted reports for compliance with 26-21-23(7)(a). The Department may perform financial audits as part of the review. If the department determines a facility is not in compliance with 26-21-23(7)(a)a CMP of $50,000 will be issued for the facility's failure to comply.