R432-101-19. Pets in Hospitals  

Latest version.
  • (1) If a hospital chooses to allow pets in the facility, it shall develop a written policy in accordance with these rules and local ordinances.

    (2) Household pets, such as dogs, cats, birds, fish, and hamsters, can be permitted only under the following conditions:

    (a) pets must be clean and disease free;

    (b) the immediate environment of pets must be kept clean;

    (c) small pets such as birds and hamsters are kept in appropriate enclosures;

    (d) pets not confined in enclosures must be hand held, under leash control, or under voice control;

    (e) pets that are kept at the hospital or are frequent visitors shall have current vaccinations, including, but not limited to, rabies, as recommended by a designated licensed veterinarian.

    (3) The hospital shall have written policies and procedures for pet care.

    (a) The administrator or designee shall determine which pets may be brought into the hospital. Family members may bring a patient's pet to visit provided they have approval from the administrator and offer reasonable assurance that the pets are clean, disease free, and vaccinated as appropriate.

    (b) Hospitals with birds shall have procedures which protect patients, staff, and visitors from psittacosis. Procedures should ensure minimum handling of droppings. Droppings shall be placed in a plastic bag for disposal.

    (c) Hospitals with pets that are kept overnight shall have written policies and procedures for the care, feeding, and housing of such pets and for proper storage of pet food and supplies.

    (4) Pets are not permitted in food preparation or storage areas. Pets shall not be permitted in any area where their presence would create a significant health or safety risk to others. Persons caring for any pets shall not have patient care or food handling responsibilities.