R432-101-16. Emergency and Disaster  

Latest version.
  • (1) The hospital shall be responsible to assure the safety and well-being of patients.

    (a) There must be provisions for the maintenance of a safe environment in the event of an emergency or disaster.

    (b) An emergency or disaster may include to utility interruption, such as gas, water, sewer, fuel and electricity, explosion, fire, earthquake, bomb threat, flood, windstorm, epidemic, and injury.

    (2) The administrator or his designee shall be responsible for the development of a plan, coordinated with state and local emergency or disaster offices, to respond to emergencies or disasters.

    (a) This plan shall be in writing and list the coordinating authorities by name and title.

    (b) The plan shall be distributed or made available to all hospital staff to assure prompt and efficient implementation.

    (c) The plan shall be reviewed and updated as necessary in coordination with local emergency or disaster management authorities. The plan shall be available for review by the Department.

    (d) The administrator shall be in charge of operations during any significant emergency. If not on the premises, the administrator shall make every reasonable effort to get to the hospital to relieve subordinates and take charge of the situation.

    (e) Disaster drills, in addition to fire drills, shall be held semiannually for all staff. Drills and staff response to drills shall be documented.

    (f) The facility shall identify and post in a prominent location the name of the person in charge and names and telephone numbers of emergency medical personnel, agencies and appropriate communication and emergency transport systems.

    (3) The hospital's emergency response procedures shall address the following:

    (a) evacuation of occupants to a safe place within the hospital or to another location;

    (b) delivery of essential care and services to hospital occupants by alternate means regardless of setting;

    (c) delivery of essential care and services when additional persons are housed in the hospital during an emergency;

    (d) delivery of essential care and services to hospital occupants when staff is reduced by an emergency;

    (e) maintenance of safe ambient air temperatures within the hospital.

    (i) Emergency heating must have the approval of the local fire department.

    (ii) An ambient air temperature of 58 degrees F (14 degrees C) or lower may constitute a danger to the health and safety of the patients in the hospital. The person in charge shall take immediate and appropriate action.

    (4) The hospital's emergency plan shall delineate shall include:

    (a) the person or persons with decision-making authority for fiscal, medical, and personnel management;

    (b) on-hand personnel, equipment, and supplies and how to acquire additional help, supplies, and equipment after an emergency or disaster;

    (c) assignment of personnel to specific tasks during an emergency;

    (d) methods of communicating with local emergency agencies, authorities, and other appropriate individuals;

    (e) the individuals who shall be notified in an emergency in order of priority;

    (f) method of transporting and evacuating patients and staff to other locations;

    (g) conversion of hospital for emergency use.

    (5) The facility shall schedule and hold at least one fire drill per shift per quarter. The facility shall document the date and time the drill was held, including a brief description of the event and participants. Documentation shall be maintained for review by the Department.

    (a) There shall be a fire emergency evacuation plan, written in consultation with qualified fire safety personnel.

    (b) A physical plant evacuation diagram delineating evacuation routes, location of fire alarm boxes and fire extinguishers, and emergency telephone numbers of the local fire department shall be posted in exit access ways throughout the hospital.

    (c) The written plan shall include fire-containment procedures and how to use the hospital alarm systems and signals.

    (d) The actual evacuation of patients during a drill is optional.