R428-12-3. Submission of Satisfaction Data  

Latest version.
  •   (1) Each carrier covered by the scope determined in subsection R428-12-5 shall compile and submit enrollee satisfaction (Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems survey or CAHPS) data to the Office according to this rule.

      (2) By January 1 of each year, each carrier shall submit to the Office a plan for creating and providing CAHPS data for the preceding calendar year. For each required survey, the plan must clearly indicate whether the carrier will use the Office's contracted vendor or whether the carrier will contract with a survey agency on their own.

      (3) By July 1 of each year, each carrier shall submit to the Office CAHPS data for the preceding calendar year, unless an alternate timeframe has been determined under subsection R428-12-5, in which case the carrier shall submit the data by the alternate due date.