Utah Administrative Code (Current through November 1, 2019) |
R414. Health, Health Care Financing, Coverage and Reimbursement Policy |
R414-304. Income and Budgeting |
R414-304-10. Medicaid Work Incentive Program Income Deductions
(1) To determine eligibility for the MWI program, the eligibility agency shall deduct the following amounts from income to determine countable income that is compared to 250% of the federal poverty guideline:
(a) $20 from unearned income. If there is less than $20 in unearned income, the eligibility agency shall deduct the balance of the $20 from earned income;
(b) Impairment-related work expenses;
(c) $65 plus one-half of the remaining earned income;
(d) A current year loss from a self-employment business can be deducted only from other earned income.
(2) For the MWI program, an individual or household is ineligible if countable income exceeds the applicable income limit. The eligibility agency may not deduct health insurance premiums and medical costs from income before comparing countable income to the applicable limit.
(3) The eligibility agency shall deduct from countable income the amount of health insurance premiums paid by the MWI-eligible individual or a financially responsible household member, to purchase health insurance for himself or other family members in the household before determining the MWI buy-in premium.
(4) An eligible individual may meet the MWI buy-in premium with cash, check or money order payable to the eligibility agency. The client may not meet the MWI premium with medical expenses.
(5) The eligibility agency may not require a client to pay a MWI buy-in premium of less than $1.