R414-14A-15. Hospice Room and Board Service  

Latest version.
  • If a client residing in a nursing facility, ICF/ID or a freestanding hospice inpatient unit elects hospice care, the hospice provider and the facility must have a written agreement under which the total care of the individual must be specified in a comprehensive service plan, the hospice provider is responsible for the professional management of the client's hospice care, and the facility agrees to provide room and board and services unrelated to the care of the terminal condition to the client. The agreement must include:

    (1) identification of the services to be provided by each party and the method of care coordination to assure that all services are consistent with the hospice approach to care and are organized to achieve the outcomes defined by the hospice plan of care;

    (2) a stipulation that Medicaid services may be provided only with the express authorization of the hospice;

    (3) the manner in which the contracted services are coordinated, supervised and evaluated by the hospice provider;

    (4) the delineation of the roles of the hospice provider and the facility in the admission process; needs assessment process, and the interdisciplinary team care conference and service planning process;

    (5) requirements for documenting that services are furnished in accordance with the agreement;

    (6) the qualifications of the personnel providing the services; and

    (7) the billing and reimbursement process by which the nursing facility will bill the hospice provider for room and board and receive payment from the hospice provider.

    (8) In cases in which nursing facility residents revoke their hospice benefits, it is the responsibility of the hospice provider to notify the nursing facility of the revocation. The notice must be in writing and the hospice provider must provide it to the nursing facility on or before the revocation date.