R414-10-2. Definitions  

Latest version.
  •   In addition to the definitions in Rule R414-1, the following definitions apply to this rule:

      (1) "Family planning" means diagnosis, treatment, medications, supplies, devices, and related counseling in family planning methods to prevent or delay pregnancy.

      (2) "Global surgical procedures" means preoperative office visits and preparation, the operation itself, local infiltration, topical or regional anesthesia when used, and normal follow-up care.

      (3) "Physician services", whether furnished in the office, the recipient's home, a hospital, a skilled nursing facility, or elsewhere, means services performed by a Medicaid provider that meet the following standards:

      (a) Services are performed within the scope of the physician's license as defined in Title 58, Occupations and Professions;

      (b) Services are performed by a doctor of medicine or osteopathy, a doctor of dental surgery or of dental medicine, a doctor of podiatric medicine, a doctor of optometry, a chiropractor, or;

      (c) Services include medical care, or any other type of remedial care furnished by licensed practitioners.

      (4) "Practice as a physician assistant" means:

      (a) acting as an agent of the supervising physician, and when under the authority of a substitute supervising physician, acting in accordance with a delegation of services agreement; and

      (b) performing professional duties within the conduct of a physician assistant in diagnosing, treating, advising, or prescribing for any human disease, ailment, injury, infirmity, deformity, pain, or other condition.

      (5) "Services" means the types of medical assistance specified in Subsection 1905(a) of the Social Security Act and interpreted in 42 CFR 440.