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Utah Administrative Code (Current through November 1, 2019) |
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R406. Health, Family Health and Preparedness, WIC Services |
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R406-100. Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children |
R406-100-1. Incorporations by Reference |
Latest version.
(1) The State WIC Office adopts the standards of the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children provided in 7 CFR 246, 01/01/2012 edition, which is incorporated by reference. (2) The State WIC Office incorporates by reference the Fiscal Year 2013 Utah Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) State Plan of Program Operations and Administration including the Utah WIC Policy and Procedures Manual effective October 1, 2012. |
R406-100-2. Processing Time Frames |
Latest version.
(1) The standards of 7 CFR 246.7(f)(2) are adopted and incorporated by reference with the following exceptions: (a) Extensions of the processing time frames may be granted in the following circumstances: (i) Clinics operating only 2 days a month or less. (ii) In emergency situations when, for example, an employer in a particular geographic area engages in mass lay-offs of personnel. (iii) In cases where there is difficulty in appointment scheduling, a time variation of 30 days may be added to or subtracted from the certification intervals for all except participants who are categorically ineligible. |
R406-100-3. Uncertified Waiting List |
Latest version.
(1) The standards of 7 CFR 246.7(f)(1) are adopted and incorporated by reference with the following exceptions: (a) Uncertified Waiting List means a log of names of individuals who have applied for WIC benefits either by phone or walk in, but who have not been determined WIC eligible. (b) When a clinic begins a priority system, the clinic must begin maintaining waiting lists by priority of individuals who visit or telephone the clinic to request program benefits. If screening appointments are not being taken, the clinic shall use the Uncertified Waiting List log. Applicants are to be placed on the highest potential priority of the uncertified log in chronological order by application date. (c) For clinic convenience, there are three uncertified priority logs into which all potential applicants may be placed prior to certification. They are Priority I, III, and VI. Priorities II, IV, and V cannot be determined until after the certification process has been completed. |
R406-100-4. Certified Waiting List |
Latest version.
The standards of 7 CFR 246.7(e)(1) are adopted and incorporated by reference with the following exceptions: (1) Certified Waiting List means chronological files of those persons who are determined by the State WIC Office to be WIC eligible, are assigned a priority, and are waiting for funds to become available so they can receive benefits. (a) After applicants have been determined to be eligible through screening, and are certified, they are placed on the Certified Waiting List according to their highest potential priority. These files are to be placed by priority in chronological order by certification date. (b) As case load decreases in each clinic, the clinic will send vouchering appointment letters to applicants who are certified and waiting. All individuals in the highest priorities must be served before individuals of a lower priority are served. (c) All individuals within a priority must be served according to chronological date of their placement on the Waiting List. |
R406-100-5. Residence |
Latest version.
The standards of 7 CFR 246.7(b)(2) are adopted and incorporated by reference with the following exceptions: Each applicant must state that the address given to the clinic is the applicant's current address. The clinic's staff then determines that the address given is within the area served by the agency and within the jurisdiction of the state. If the applicant is a member of a special population such as homeless individuals or residents of border towns with interstate agreements, these individuals may be served by designated clinics regardless of residency status. If an applicant applies for services at a clinic and the address given is not within the county or group of counties served from this clinic, the applicant is eligible to be served from this clinic only after the clinic requests and has received approval from the State WIC Office to serve this individual or family. |
R406-100-6. Inadequate Income |
Latest version.
The standards of 7 CFR 246.7(d) are adopted and incorporated by reference with the following exceptions: (1) Each applicant must submit income verification to the clinic regarding the family's income. This is usually determined by bringing in proof of the previous month's gross income, or proof of the yearly gross income. (2) The clinic staff shall determine whether the gross income given is at or below 185% of the Income Poverty Level established by the federal government. |
R406-100-7. Retention of WIC Files |
Latest version.
The standards of 7 CFR 246.25(a)(2), (3) are adopted and incorporated by reference with the following exceptions: WIC files shall be maintained for federal or state auditors review for the following retention periods: (1) Files of women participants, infants and children shall be retained for a minimum four years following the end of the fiscal year that their files were closed. All other records may be destroyed after four years. |
R406-100-8. Vendor Monitoring |
Latest version.
The standards of 7 CFR 246.12(i) are adopted and incorporated by reference with the following exceptions: (1) The State WIC Office may conduct vendor monitoring on all high risk vendors. (2) The State WIC Office shall determine high risk vendors based on the following criteria: (a) vendor's redeemed prices are higher than price list; (b) unusually large percentage of high priced food instruments by vendor; (c) participant complaints or complaints from the clinic or other vendors; (d) food instrument redemption errors; (e) accumulation of five or more sanctioning points as listed in each vendor's signed contract under the heading Vendor Sanctions; (f) vendor out of compliance during monitoring visit/redemption analysis; (g) complaints involving possible overcharging, fraud or any violation that would cause disqualification for food stamps. (3) The United States Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Service, Instruction 806-4, which clarifies 7 CFR 246.12(f), and states that federal agencies have immunity from state claims or review. The Department of Health will not conduct on-site monitoring reviews of commissaries or require claims to be paid. (4) Copies of Instruction 806-4 are available at the State WIC Office. |