R398-3-3. Process to Identify Children Who Are Financially Eligible for Services  

Latest version.
  •   (1) Participant financial eligibility

      a. Children younger than six years old, with hearing loss who do not yet own a hearing aid or for whom current amplification is no longer appropriate may be eligible for hearing aids under this program.

      b. Participant must complete and submit CSHCN Financial Form (PFR) with application to the managing audiologist.

      c. Upon request, the family must provide a copy of the most recent federal income tax filing to CHAP to verify family income as reported by the child's parents. If the federal income tax filing is unavailable, the parents may submit the prior three months' check stubs to extrapolate annual income.

      d. Family must be at or below 300% of Federal Poverty Level.

      e. This is a one-time per ear benefit per child.