R392-400-6. Permit Application Required  

Latest version.
  •   (1) The health officer shall prescribe the application process, and shall require the applicant to submit an application at least 15 days prior to the first advertisement of the gathering and at least 30 days prior to the first day of the gathering. The health officer may grant an exception to this requirement on a case by case basis because of the nature of the event, scarcity of problems associated with the event in the past or other public health related criteria.

      (2) An application for a permit shall be submitted to the health officer and include the following information:

      (a) name, address, telephone number, email and fax number (if applicable) of the operator;

      (b) number of people expected to attend the gathering;

      (c) a description of the type of gathering to be held with the date(s) and times the gathering will be held;

      (d) estimated length of stay of attendees;

      (e) name, address, telephone number, email and fax number (if applicable) of property owner;

      (f) location of the gathering and a site plan delineating the area where the gathering is to be held including the following:

      (i) the parking area available for patrons;

      (ii) location of entrance, exit, and interior roadways and walks;

      (iii) location, type, and provider of restroom facilities;

      (iv) location and description of water stations;

      (v) location and number of food stands, and the types of food to be served if known;

      (vi) location, number, type, and provider of solid waste containers;

      (vii) location of operator's headquarters at the gathering;

      (viii) a plan to provide lighting adequate to ensure the safety of attendees and staff;

      (ix) location of all parking areas designated for the gathering and under the operator's control.

      (x) location of all first aid stations and emergency medical resources.

      (g) the name of the solid and liquid waste haulers with whom the operator has contracted, unless exempted by this rule;

      (h) a site clean up plan after the gathering;

      (i) total number, and qualifications of first aid station personnel;

      (j) plan for directional and exit signs;

      (k) a plan developed by the operator to address nuisances or health hazards associated with animals present at the gathering;

      (l) plans to address hazardous conditions as required in Section R392-400-12;

      (m) information and plans on any artificially constructed structure or modified natural structure intended for recreational or therapeutic purposes where the public may be exposed to water via contact, ingestion, or aerosolization.

      (n) emergency medical services operational plan and the contact information of the emergency medical provider;

      (o) any other information specifically requested by the health officer as necessary to protect public health.