Utah Administrative Code (Current through November 1, 2019) |
R392. Health, Disease Control and Prevention, Epidemiology and Laboratory Services |
R392-302. Design, Construction and Operation of Public Pools |
R392-302-22. Safety Requirements and Lifesaving Equipment
(1) Areas of a public pool with water depth greater than six feet or a width greater than forty feet and a depth greater than four feet where a lifeguard is required under Subsection R392-302-30(2) shall provide for a minimum number of elevated lifeguard stations in accordance with Table 2. Elevated lifeguard stations shall be located to provide a clear unobstructed view of the pool bottom by lifeguards on duty.
(2) A public pool must have at least one unit of lifesaving equipment. One unit of lifesaving equipment must consist of the following: a Coast Guard-approved ring buoy with an attached rope equal in length to the maximum width of the pool plus 10 feet and a life pole or shepherd's crook type pole with blunted ends and a minimum length of 12 feet, 3.66 meters. The facility operator may substitute a rescue tube for a ring buoy where lifeguard service is provided. Additional units must be provided at the rate of one for each 2,000 square feet, 185.8 square meters, of surface area or fraction thereof. The operator of a pool that has lifeguard services shall provide at least one backboard designed with straps and head stabilization capability.
(3) A public pool must be equipped with a first aid kit which includes a minimum of the following items:
2 Units eye dressing packet;
2 Units triangular bandages;
1 CPR shield;
1 scissors;
1 tweezers;
6 pairs disposable medical exam gloves; and
Assorted types and sizes of the following: self adhesive bandages, compresses, roller type bandages and bandage tape.
(a) The operator shall keep the first-aid kit filled, available, and ready for use.
(4) Lifesaving equipment must be mounted in readily accessible, conspicuous places around the pool deck. The operator shall maintain it in good repair and operable condition. The operator and lifeguards shall prevent the removal of lifesaving equipment or use of it for any reason other than its intended purpose.
(5) Where no lifeguard service is provided in accordance with Subsection R392-302-30(2), a warning sign that meets the requirements of a "4 Inch Safety Sign" in R392-302-39(1), (2) and (3)(a) shall be posted. The sign shall state: WARNING - NO LIFEGUARD ON DUTY. In addition, the sign shall state in text that meets the requirements of "2 Inch Safety Sign" in R392-302-39(1), (2) and (3)(b) "BATHERS SHOULD NOT SWIM ALONE", and CHILDREN 14 AND UNDER SHALL NOT USE POOL WITHOUT RESPONSIBLE ADULT SUPERVISION.
(6) Where lifeguard service is required, the facility must have a readily accessible area designated and equipped for emergency first aid care.
Safety Equipment and Signs
Elevated Station 1 per 2,000 None
sq. ft., 185
sq. meters,
of pool area
or fraction
Backboard 1 per facility None
Room for Emergency Care 1 per facility None
Ring Buoy with 1 per 2,000 1 per 2,000
an attached rope sq. ft., 185 sq. ft., 185
equal in length sq. meters, sq. meters,
to the maximum of pool area of pool area width of the pool or fraction or fraction
plus 10 feet,
3.05 meters
Rescue Tube 1 per 2,000 None
(used as a substitute sq. ft., 185
for ring buoys when sq. meters,
lifeguards are of pool area
present) or fraction
Life Pole or 1 per 2,000 1 per 2,000
Shepherds Crook sq. ft. 185, sq. ft. 185,
sq. meters, sq. meters,
of pool area of pool area
or fraction or fraction
First Aid Kit 1 per facility 1 per facility