R392-300. Recreation Camp Sanitation  

R392-300-1. Authority and Purpose
Latest version.

  (1) This rule is authorized under Sections 26-1-5, 26-1-30(23), and 26-15-2.

  (2) This rule establishes definitions; sets standards for health and welfare of individuals and for the prevention of the spread of disease in or from a recreational camp.

R392-300-2. Applicability
Latest version.

  This rule applies to any person who owns or operates a camp in Utah, unless specifically exempted. This rule applies to the repair, maintenance, use, operation, and occupancy of camps or campsites designed, intended for use, or otherwise used for temporary human habitation in Utah. This rule does not apply to primitive or backcountry camping.

R392-300-3. Definitions
Latest version.

  For the purposes of this rule, the following terms, phrases, and words shall have the meanings herein expressed:

  (1) "Camp" means any day-use area, primitive camp, modern camp, semi-developed, or semi-primitive campground.

  (2) "Day-use area" means an area in which human occupation is limited specifically to day use, and does not include overnight sleeping accommodations. A day-use area may include any parcel or tract of land designated as a recreation park, picnic grounds, or recreational area located within the confines of an organized recreation camp.

  (3) "Local health officer" means the health officer of the local health department having jurisdiction, or designated representative.

  (4) "Modern camp" means a campground of two or more campsites accessible by any type of vehicular traffic, and having permanent buildings for sleeping, a potable water supply under pressure, and food service facilities. Modern camps may be operated on a seasonal or short-term basis, and may include privately owned campgrounds such as youth camps, boy or girl scout camps, mixed-age group camps, summer camps, athletic camps, family group camps, or camps that are operated and maintained under the guidance, supervision or auspices of religious, public and private educational, and community service organizations.

  (5) "Operator" means a person with ownership or overall responsibility for managing or operating a camp in the State of Utah.

  (6) "Plumbing Code" means International Plumbing Code as incorporated and amended in Title 15A, State Construction and Fire Codes Act.

  (7) "Primitive" or "Back-country" means camping in a completely naturalized wilderness location that is in no way preconditioned for camping, and where no services or amenities are provided to the camper.

  (8) "Service building" means a permanent structure located within a camp that contains toilet, hand sink, or bathing facilities for use by recreation camp occupants.

  (9) "Semi-developed" means a campground of two or more campsites where potable water services are made available. These campsites are accessible by any type of vehicular traffic and are not furnished with permanent sleeping or culinary buildings. Roads, trails and campsites are defined, basic facilities (toilets or privies, tables, fire pits or tent pads) are provided. These camps include state forest campgrounds, privately owned campgrounds, and youth camps.

  (10) "Semi-primitive" means a campground where potable water services are not available. Rudimentary facilities including vault privies or earthen pit privies and fire pits are present.

  (11) "Wastewater" means discharges from all plumbing facilities including, rest rooms, kitchen, and laundry fixtures either separately or in combination.

R392-300-4. General
Latest version.

  (1) This rule does not require a construction change in any portion of a camp if the camp was in compliance with the law in effect at the time the camp was constructed, except as in R392-300-4(1)(a).

  (a) The local health officer may require construction changes if it is determined the camp or portion thereof is dangerous, unsafe, unsanitary, or a nuisance or menace to life, health, or property.

  (2) The operator shall carry out the provisions of this rule.

  (3) Severability - If any provision of this code, or its application to any person or circumstance is declared invalid, the application of such provision to other person or circumstances, and the remainder of this code, shall not be affected thereby.

  (4) The operator shall comply with all applicable building, zoning, electrical, health, fire codes and all local ordinances.

  (5) Campsites, including day-use areas, shall be constructed to provide adequate surface drainage, and shall be isolated from any existing or potential public health hazard or nuisance.

R392-300-5. Water Supply
Latest version.

  (1) Potable water supply systems for use by public lodging occupants shall be designed, installed, and operated according to the requirements set forth by:

  (a) Plumbing Code;

  (b) The Utah Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Drinking Water under Title R309; and

  (c) local health department regulations.

  (2) The operator shall ensure that each day-use area and modern or semi-developed camp is provided with potable water.

  (a) Where individual water connections are not provided to camp sites, common-use water faucets shall be accessible to camp occupants, and located not more than 300 feet from any camp site.

  (b) A threaded spigot is prohibited on any water faucet providing potable water to a camp.

  (c) The operator shall ensure that the area immediately around a water faucet (i.e. spigot) is designed to promote surface drainage by using a constructed drain system such as a gravel pit, subsurface drywell, French drain, or seepage trench. The operator shall prevent water in this area from flowing into traffic areas and surface waters, or from pooling, standing, or becoming stagnant.

  (3) The operator may be required to sample water systems operated on a seasonal basis for bacteriologic analysis, as determined by the local health officer.

  (4) When a semi-primitive camp is provided with potable water, the operator shall comply with all requirements of R392-300-5.

R392-300-6. Wastewater Disposal Requirements
Latest version.

  (1) The operator shall make sewer service available to any modern camp or semi-developed camp.

  (2) Sewer systems for use by camp occupants shall be designed, installed, and operated according to the requirements set forth by:

  (a) Plumbing Code;

  (b) The Utah Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Water Quality under Title R317; and

  (c) local health department regulations.

  (3) All wastewater shall be discharged to a public sanitary sewer system whenever practicable.

  (a) Where connection to a public sewer is not practicable, wastewater shall be discharged into an approved wastewater disposal system meeting the requirements of Title R317, Environmental Quality, Water Quality, and local health department regulations.

  (b) The operator shall submit all required plans for the construction or alteration of a wastewater disposal system in accordance with Title R317 prior to commencing construction or alteration.

  (4) Sanitary vault privies or earthen pit privies shall be located, constructed, and maintained according to the requirements of Rule R317-560 and local health department regulation in such a manner that:

  (a) users do not contact waste matter deposited;

  (b) access to the privy interior or vault is minimized for flies, insects, rats, and other animals;

  (c) surface or ground water cannot enter the vault or pit, either as runoff or as flood water;

  (d) the waste material in the privy cannot contaminate a water supply, stream, or body of water; and

  (e) odors are minimized both inside and outside the privy structure.

  (5) The operator shall take measures to ensure that campers do not defecate or urinate or otherwise dispose of human waste except at designated privies or toilet facilities.

R392-300-7. Required Plumbing - Modern Camps
Latest version.

  (1) The minimum plumbing fixtures to be provided for modern camps shall be based on 50 percent of the total number of occupants being male and 50 percent being female, except where the camp is used exclusively by one gender, and shall be calculated from Table I.

  (a) Showers and sinks shall be provided with hot and cold potable water.


Required Minimum Plumbing Fixtures For Modern Camps

Plumbing Fixtures Ratio of Plumbing Fixtures

                     For Number of Camp Occupants

                     Males Females Both Sexes

Toilets 1:40* 1:25* --

Sinks 1:35* 1:35*

Showers 1:35* 1:35*


  Fountains -- -- 1:300*

Service Sink -- -- 1 per service building

Potable Water Faucet -- -- 1 per service building

*Or fraction thereof

  (2) Sinks shall be located either in the same room as toilets, or immediately adjacent to the service building.

  (3) Urinals may be substituted for up to half of the required number of toilets for males, provided the urinal is installed in addition to a toilet at the same location.

  (4) Service buildings shall be located not less than 15 feet and not more than 300 feet from any living and camping spaces served, unless integrated into a permanent building at a modern camp.

  (5) Soap and toilet tissue in suitable dispensers and waste receptacles with lids shall be provided in each service building.

  (6) Clean individual disposable towels shall be provided at each sink. Alternate hand drying methods approved by the local health officer may be substituted for individual disposable towels.

  (7) The operator shall maintain each service building in a clean and sanitary condition.

R392-300-8. Required Plumbing -- Semi-Developed Camps
Latest version.

  (1) For semi-developed camps, the minimum plumbing fixtures to be provided shall be based on the number of sites, according to Table II.

  (a) The operator shall calculate the minimum required number of fixtures according to Table II.


Required Minimum Plumbing Fixtures for Semi-Developed


Plumbing Fixtures Ratio of Plumbing Fixtures

                            Per Number of Camp Sites

Toilets or vault privies 1:15*

Potable Water Faucet 1:15*

*Or fraction thereof

R392-300-9. Required Plumbing -- Day Use Areas
Latest version.

  The minimum plumbing fixtures to be provided for day use areas shall be calculated from Table III.


Required Minimum Plumbing Fixtures for Day Use Areas

Plumbing Fixtures Ratio of Plumbing Fixtures

                     Per Number of Day Use Sites

Toilets or vault privies 1:15*

Potable Water Faucet 1:15*

*Or fraction thereof

R392-300-10. Operation and Maintenance
Latest version.

  (1) When tents, or permanent or semi-permanent buildings are provided by the operator, they shall:

  (a) be of sound construction;

  (b) assure adequate protection against the weather;

  (c) include essential facilities to permit maintenance in a clean and operable condition;

  (d) include openable windows or mechanical ventilation; and

  (e) provide adequate storage for personal belongings.

  (2) In open bay type sleeping areas containing four or more beds, the operator shall separate beds by a horizontal distance of at least five feet, reducible to three feet if beds are alternated head to foot, except in the case of double stacked bunks, which shall have a minimum horizontal separation of six feet under all circumstances. If partitions are utilized to preclude face-to-face exposure between beds, spacing requirements may be modified to a minimum separation distance of three feet between adjacent beds upon approval of the local health officer.

  (3)(a) Each provided bed, bunk, or cot shall be maintained in a sanitary condition.

  (b) Mattresses, mattress covers, quilts, blankets, pillows, pillowcases, sheets, bedcovers, and other bedding shall be kept clean and in good repair.

  (c) A sheet shall be provided for each bed, and shall be large enough to cover the top and all four sides of the mattress.

  (d) A pillowcase shall be provided for each supplied pillow.

  (e) Supplied bedding shall be replaced with clean linen, including sheets and pillowcases, before new occupant use.

  (4) All buildings, rooms, and equipment, including furnishings and equipment in camping areas, and the grounds surrounding them shall be maintained in a clean and operable condition.

  (5) Where electric power is available, service buildings shall be provided with outside lighting to indicate the location and entrance doorways of each.

  (6) Where necessary, all reasonable means shall be employed to eliminate or control infestations of vermin, vectors, or pests within all parts of any camp. This shall include approved screening or other approved control of outside openings in structures intended for occupancy or food service facilities.

  (7) Each modern camp shall be equipped with at least a 24-unit ANSI compliant first aid kit. The operator shall ensure that each first aid kit is:

  (a) properly stocked;

  (b) readily accessible; and

  (c) conveniently located in critical areas.

  (8) The operator of a camp with onsite staff shall employ at least one individual who is adequately trained to render first aid. This individual should possess at least a certificate of completion of the Basic First Aid Course as presented by the American National Red Cross or its equivalent.

R392-300-11. Food Service
Latest version.

  When food service is provided for camp occupants, food service, storage, and preparation shall comply with the FDA Model Food Code as incorporated and amended in R392-100 and local health department regulations.

R392-300-12. Solid Wastes
Latest version.

  (1) The operator shall provide adequate containers to prevent the accumulation of solid waste in the camp.

  (2) Solid waste generated at a camp or picnic area shall be stored in a leak-proof, non-absorbent container, which shall be kept covered with a tight-fitting lid.

  (3) All solid wastes shall be disposed with sufficient frequency and in such a manner as to prevent insect breeding, rodent harborage, or a public health nuisance.

R392-300-13. Swimming Pool
Latest version.

  The operator shall comply with Rule R392-302, Design, Construction, and Operation of Public Pools as well as other local health department regulations for all pools or spas made available to camp occupants or staff.

R392-300-14. Inspections and Investigations
Latest version.

  (1)(a) Upon presenting proper identification, the operator shall permit a local health officer to enter upon the premises of a camp to perform inspections, investigations, reviews, and other actions as necessary to ensure compliance with Rule R392-300.

  (b) The local health officer may not enter an occupied tent or other structure designed or intended for temporary human habitation without the express permission of the occupant except when a warrant is issued to a duly authorized public safety officer which authorizes the local health officer to enter, or when the operator and the local health officer determine that there exists an imminent risk to the life, health, or safety of the occupant.

R392-300-15. Closing or Restricting of Camps or Sites
Latest version.

  (1) If a local health officer deems a camp, campsite, or portion thereof to be an imminent risk to the life, health, or safety of the public, the area may be closed or its use may be restricted, as determined by the local health officer.

  (2) Within a reasonable time as ordered by the local health officer, the operator shall restrict public access to the impacted area of any camp, campsite, or portion thereof that has been closed or restricted to use by a local health officer.

  (3) It shall be unlawful for an operator to allow any person to occupy a camp or campsite that has been deemed unfit for human habitation until written approval of the local health officer is given.