R386-705-21. Blood Stream Infection Reports.  

Latest version.
  • (1) Each facility required to report under this rule shall report each case of CLA-BSI that occurs in each patient who is at least one year of age and who was either:

    (a) in an ICU at the time the CLA-BSI was identified and had been in the ICU for at least 2 days prior to that time; or

    (b) had been in an ICU within 2 days prior to the time the CLA-BSI was identified;

    (2) The time the CLA-BSI is identified is the time that the first positive blood culture result used to identify the CLA-BSI was collected from the patient.

    (3) A case of CLA-BSI is reportable if meets the criteria in Subsections 22(1), (4), and (5) and does not meet the criteria in Subsection 22(3).

    (4) For each case of CLA-BSI, the hospital shall report:

    (a) the date the CLA-BSI was identified;

    (b) the type of ICU in which the case occurred, i.e., the ICU in which the patient resided at identification of the CLA-BSI if in ICU at the time, or the ICU from which patient was most recently discharged if not in ICU at the time;

    (c) the organism or organisms isolated from blood cultures associated with the CLA-BSI episode; and

    (d) whether the CLA-BSI was considered a mixed BSI episode based on meeting the criteria in Subsections 22(2).

    (5) The Utah Department of Health shall evaluate the case definitions and reporting algorithm at least annually with input from the users group and make any needed clarifications or changes.