R380-200-1. Purpose and Authority  

Latest version.
  •   (1) These rules establish a Patient Safety Surveillance and Improvement program (PSSIP) which extends the past Sentinel Event Reporting program and consists of two components. The first component includes a reportable events program intended to meet public accountability and transparency needs at a state-wide level. The second component uses the data obtained from the reportable events requirement as a foundation intended to develop state-wide patient safety related improvement solutions.

      (2) The rule requires certain health care facilities to report patient safety events specified in this rule as determined by PSSIP in consultation with the patient safety quality work group.

      (3) Reporting requirements for this rule will provide an annual state-wide report released in March of each year for public accountability and transparency. Additionally, data obtained from the reporting requirements will be used to help the Utah Department of Health and Health Care Providers understand patterns of failures, identify and implement state-wide improvement interventions, and evaluate state-wide interventions for improved outcomes. The PSSIP intends to be consistent with national regulatory and quality organizational standards to which facilities currently report and may include requirements from the Joint Commission, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, American Association of Ambulatory Surgical Centers, DNV Healthcare, Patient Safety Organizations, National Healthcare Safety Network, Centers for Medicaid and Medicare, and the National Quality Forum. As national standards for condition reporting change so may the PSSIP reporting requirements. The quality work output of the PSSIP provides limited access to identifiable health information that facilities report.

      (4) This rule is authorized by Utah Code Subsections "Utah Code Ann. Subsections 26-1-30(3), (4), (6), (7), (8), and (9)".