R37-1-5. Coverage, Deductibles, Duties and Conditions  

Latest version.
  • Specific risks covered, properties covered, coverage limits, exclusions, deductibles, conditions and other coverage provisions for coverage through the Risk Management Fund shall apply in accordance with coverage policies issued by the Fund to each covered entity. Subject to specific provisions of the coverage policies, the Fund provides the following coverage:

    (1) Liability

    (a) Risks Covered - General, automobile, personal injury, errors and omissions, malpractice and garage keepers' liability, and personal injury protection coverage applying to all premises, operations, approved contracts, products and completed operations; owned, non-owned and hired automobiles, other than personal use automobiles; employees, volunteers, and students in the scope of employment or approved services to the public.

    (b) Limits - Typically, the limits are the maximum liability calculated pursuant to Section 63G-7-604 UCA; lower or higher limits for other situations as indicated in coverage policies issued to each covered entity.

    (c) Deductible - Deductibles apply to some specific property coverages and situations as noted in the coverage document, but there is no general deductible with regard to liability coverage.

    (d) Conditions - The following conditions apply to liability coverages:

    (i) In the event of an occurrence, personal injury, act, error, omission, incident, or any other situation likely to give rise to a claim covered by the Fund, written notice containing particulars sufficient to identify the covered entity or person and also reasonably obtainable information with respect to the time, place and circumstances thereof, and the names and addresses of the potential claimant, and of available witnesses, shall be given by or for the covered entity or person to the Fund or any of its authorized agents as soon as practicable. The covered entity shall promptly take all reasonable steps to prevent additional injury or damage arising out of the same or similar conditions. A covered entity's failure to take preventive measures shall not constitute a breach of this condition unless the Fund has requested the covered entity, in writing, to undertake the preventive measures. Costs incurred by a covered entity to implement preventive measures shall not be recoverable from the Fund.

    (ii) If claim is made or suit is brought against the covered entity or person, whether in court or through an administrative proceeding with the Utah Anti-discrimination Division, the Federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission or similar body, the covered entity or person shall immediately forward to the Fund a copy of every demand, notice, summons or other process received by it or its representative. Any covered person who is an employee or volunteer of the covered entity shall comply with all provisions of Sections 63G-7-902 UCA, 63G-7-903 UCA, or both before the Fund shall have any duty to defend or pay any judgment against such covered person.

    (iii) The covered entity or person shall cooperate with the Fund and, upon the Fund's request, provide the fund with requested information, assist in making settlements, assist in making rule 68 offers of judgment, and assist in the conduct of suits and in enforcing any right of contribution or indemnity against any person or organization who may be liable to the covered entity or person because of bodily injury or property damage with respect to which coverage is afforded by the Fund; and the covered entity or person shall attend hearings and trials and assist in securing and providing evidence and obtaining the attendance of witnesses. The covered entity or person shall not, except at its own cost, voluntarily make any payment, assume any obligation or incur any expense other than for qualified first aid to others at the time of the accident.

    (iv) In the event any employee or volunteer requests under the terms of Section 63G-7-902 UCA that the covered entity defend him relative to any action or claim which would be covered by the Fund, the covered entity shall immediately forward the request to the Fund and the Fund shall have the right to determine on behalf of the covered entity whether to defend, defend under a reservation of rights, or decline to defend.

    (v) The covered entity or person shall share with the Fund all records requested by the Fund, relative to any claim under this coverage, to the fullest extent permitted by the Utah Government Records Access and Management Act (GRAMA). If the covered entity falls under the provisions of Section 63-2-701, 702 or 703 UCA, the covered entity shall adopt an ordinance or policy, or make rules which allow the sharing of records with the Fund to at least the extent permitted by GRAMA and shall share with the Fund all records requested relative to any claim under this coverage to the fullest extent permitted by the ordinance, policy or rule.

    (vi) This coverage does not apply to any claim under the Americans With Disabilities Act, as amended, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, or similar laws based in whole or in part on the failure of any covered entity to provide a reasonable accommodation unless the covered entity has notified the Fund of its preliminary intention not to provide the requested accommodation, has allowed the Fund a reasonable opportunity to consult with the covered entity before the covered entity denies the requested accommodation, and the Fund agrees with the proposed denial.

    (2) Conditions applicable to all coverages provided by the Fund:

    (a) In accordance with Subsection 63A-4-101(2)(b)(v) UCA, in the event of any coverage dispute between the Fund and any covered entity or person, there shall be no right of legal action against the Fund.

    (b) In the event of any payment under any coverage provided through the Fund, the Fund shall be subrogated to all of the covered entity or person's rights of recovery therefor against any person or organization and the covered entity or person shall execute and deliver instruments and papers and do whatever else is necessary to secure these rights. The covered entity or person shall do nothing after the loss to prejudice these rights.