R357-24-103. Definitions  

Latest version.
  •   The following terms are defined as follows:

      (1) "Applicant" means a collaboration between one or more companies and one or more post-secondary institutions for a particular hiring program.

      (2) "Awardee(s)" means an applicant that has been awarded a UWP grant.

      (3) "Collaboration" means the strategic coordination between a company and post-secondary institution to address a skilled labor gap.

      (4) "Company" means a corporation, limited liability company, partnership, association, or other business entity and may include a federal military installation when such entity otherwise meets UWP eligibility requirements and does not include an individual, sole proprietorship, or educational institution.

      (5) "Company representative" means a representative from a company that is designated to support the efforts of the collaboration.

      (6) "High demand position" means a position in which there are hard to fill jobs with a lack of skilled labor employees or a large number of skilled labor positions needed in a short amount of time.

      (7) "Pre-hire program" means an applicant's plan to vet potential hires prior to the skills training. The pre-hire program will typically consist of a training lasting from two days to two weeks.

      (8) "Post-secondary institution" means an entity under the Utah System of Higher Education or the Utah System of Technical Colleges.

      (9) "Skilled labor" means jobs that require skills training and a level of skill.

      (10) "Skilled labor gap" means the disparity between a company's existing or future skill need.

      (11) "Skills training program" means a training plan developed and agreed upon between the post-secondary institution and a company.

      (12) "TRU" means the Talent Ready Utah Center.

      (13) "UWP" means the Utah Works Program.

      (14) "UWP grant" means the competitive grants awarded and administered under this Rule.