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Utah Administrative Code (Current through November 1, 2019) |
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R357. Governor, Economic Development |
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R357-16. Utah Outdoor Recreation Infrastructure Grant |
R357-16-5. Infrastructure Project Eligibility Criteria
(1) Budget/Costs/Matching Requirements: The Office will not fund more than 50% of the proposed project's eligible costs. The grant recipient shall provide matching funds having a value equal to or greater than the amount of the infrastructure grant.
(a) The maximum grant request is dependent on available funds and will be outlined in the grant application.
(b) Up to 50% of the grant recipient match may be provided through an in-kind contribution by the grant recipient, if:
(i) approved by the executive director after consultation with the director and the board; and
(ii) the in-kind donation does not include real property.
(c) Matching requirements, eligible and ineligible matching costs, and other matching funding requirements will be provided in the grant application.
(d) At least 75% of the matching funds for the project must be secured in order to apply.
(2) Economic Development or Tourism Endorsement: The infrastructure project shall have an endorsement from the local economic development office and/or local tourism director stating that the project will have the ability to attract growth and retention in the community/area and/or have the potential for increased visitation to the area. Endorsement: The infrastructure project endorsement should be provided in writing at the time of application.
(a) Statement of Responsibility: The applicant must include a Statement of Responsibility from the entity who will maintain the recreational infrastructure in the future. This will be required by the Office as a condition to receiving a grant.
(3) Public Lands: If the project is located on public lands, it must have approval from the appropriate public entity.
(a) The applicant may be required to show approval from the agency that follows the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process as a condition to receiving the grant.
(4) Property Ownership: All projects must be located on land that is owned by or under the control of the applicant or a partner (e.g. local government or conservancy.)
(a) If the project crosses private property, as in the case of a trail, a binding agreement must be reached with the property owners for a minimum of 10 years.
(5) Sensitive Wildlife Areas: Applicant must coordinate with the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources (DWR) to determine if the project is located in a special management area for sensitive species such as the greater sage grouse.
(a) If the project is in or near a Sage Grouse Management Area (SGMA), the project proponent shall coordinate with DWR to make reasonable accommodations to avoid, minimize or mitigate the impacts to greater sage-grouse and their habitats.
( 6) infrastructure projects may include but are not limited to:
(a) The establishment, construction, or renovation of trails, trail facilities, and trail infrastructure (e.g. trail kiosk, trail wayfinding signage, trailhead parking, restroom facilities, bridge or tunnel);
(b) The construction of a project for water-related outdoor recreational activities;
(c) The development of a project for wildlife watching opportunities, including bird watching;
(d) The development of a project that provides winter recreation amenities;
(e) the construction or improvement of a community park that has amenities for outdoor recreation;
(f) The construction or improvement of a naturalistic and accessible playground;
(g) the construction of a community owned or sponsored campground; or
(h) The establishment or construction of a community owned outdoor shooting or archery range.
(8) Ineligible Infrastructure projects may include but are not limited to:
(a) A private business such as outdoor service concession, amusement park, tubing park, etc.;
(b) Outdoor education programming;
(c) Outdoor swimming pools;
(d) Golf Courses;
(e) Athletic fields or courts;
(f) Outdoor amphitheaters;
(g) General community wayfinding signage; or
(h) Harbor dredging projects.