R33-7-105. Protected Records  

Latest version.
  •   (1)(a) The following are protected records and may be redacted by the vendor subject to the procedures described below in accordance with the Governmental Records Access and Management Act (GRAMA) Title 63G, Chapter 2 of the Utah Code. (a) Trade Secrets, as defined in Section 13-24-2 of the Utah Code.

      (b) Commercial information or non-individual financial information subject to the provisions of Section 63G-2-305(2).

      (c) Other Protected Records under GRAMA.

      (2) Process For Requesting Non-Disclosure. Any person requesting that a record be protected shall include with the proposal or submitted document:

      (a) a written indication of which provisions of the proposal or submitted document are claimed to be considered for business confidentiality or protected (including trade secrets or other reasons for non-disclosure under GRAMA); and

      (b) a concise statement of the reasons supporting each claimed provision of business confidentiality or protected.