R315-265-225. Surface Impoundments -- Waste Analysis and Trial Tests  

Latest version.
  •   (a) In addition to the waste analyses required by Section R315-265-13, whenever a surface impoundment is to be used to:

      (1) Chemically treat a hazardous waste which is substantially different from waste previously treated in that impoundment; or

      (2) Chemically treat hazardous waste with a substantially different process than any previously used in that impoundment; the owner or operator shall, before treating the different waste or using the different process:

      (i) Conduct waste analyses and trial treatment tests, for example, bench scale or pilot plant scale tests; or

      (ii) Obtain written, documented information on similar treatment of similar waste under similar operating conditions; to show that this treatment will comply with Subsection R315-265-17(b).

      Comment: As required by Section R315-265-13, the waste analysis plan shall include analyses needed to comply with Sections R315-265-229 and 265-230. As required by Section R315-265-73, the owner or operator shall place the results from each waste analysis and trial test, or the documented information, in the operating record of the facility.