R311-203-4. Underground Storage Tank Registration Fee  

Latest version.
  •   (a) Registration fees shall be assessed by the Department against all tanks which are not permanently closed for the entire fiscal year, and shall be billed per facility.

      (b) Registration fees shall be due on July 1 of the fiscal year for which the assessment is made, or, for underground storage tanks brought into use after the beginning of the fiscal year, underground storage tank registration fees shall be due when the tanks are brought into use, as a requirement for receiving a certificate of compliance.

      (c) The Director may waive all or part of the penalty assessed under Subsection 19-6-408(5) if no fuel has been dispensed from the tank on or after July 1, 1991 and if the tank has been properly closed according to Rules R311-204 and R311-205, or in other circumstances as approved by the Director.

      (d) The Director shall issue a certificate of registration to owners or operators for individual underground storage tanks at a facility if:

      (1) the tanks are in use or are temporarily closed according to 40 CFR Part 280 Subpart G; and,

      (2) the underground storage tank registration fee has been paid.

      (e) Pursuant to 19-6-408(5)(c), all past due registration fees, late payment penalties and interest must be paid before the Director may issue or re-issue a certificate of compliance regardless of whether there is a new owner or operator at the facility. However, the Director may decline active collection of past due registration fees, late payment penalties and interest if a certificate of compliance is not issued and the new owner or new operator properly closes the underground storage tanks within one year of becoming the new owner or operator of the facility.

      (f) An underground storage tank will be assessed the higher registration fee established under Section 63J-1-504 if it is found to be out of significant operational compliance with leak prevention or leak detection requirements during an inspection, and remains out of compliance for six months or greater following the initial inspection. The higher registration fee shall be due July 1 following the documented six-month period of non-compliance. A tank will be out of significant operational compliance if it fails to meet any of the significant operational compliance measures stated in the EPA compliance measures matrices incorporated by Subsection R311-206-10(b)(1).

      (g) When the Director is notified of the existence of a previously un-registered regulated UST, the Director shall assess the registration fee for the current fiscal year. If the UST is properly permanently closed within 90 days of the notification of the existence of the UST, the Director may decline active collection of past-due registration fees, late payment penalties, and interest for previous fiscal years.