R307-410-4. Modeling of Criteria Pollutant Impacts in Attainment Areas  

Latest version.
  • Prior to receiving an approval order under R307-401, a new source in an attainment area with a total controlled emission rate per pollutant greater than or equal to amounts specified in Table 1, or a modification to an existing source located in an attainment area which increases the total controlled emission rate per pollutant of the source in an amount greater than or equal to those specified in Table 1, shall conduct air quality modeling, as identified in R307-410-3, to estimate the impact of the new or modified source on air quality unless previously performed air quality modeling for the source indicates that the addition of the proposed emissions increase would not violate a National Ambient Air Quality Standard, as determined by the director.

    TABLE 1


    sulfur dioxide 40 tons per year

    oxides of nitrogen 40 tons per year

    PM10 - fugitive emissions 5 tons per year

      and fugitive dust

    PM10 - non-fugitive emissions 15 tons per year

      or non-fugitive dust

    carbon monoxide 100 tons per year

    lead 0.6 tons per year