R307-401-16. De minimis Emissions From Soil Aeration Projects  

Latest version.
  •   An owner or operator of a soil remediation project is not subject to the notice of intent and approval order requirements of R307-401-5 through R307-401-8 when soil aeration or land farming is used to conduct a soil remediation, if the owner or operator submits the following information to the director prior to beginning the remediation project:

      (1) documentation that the estimated total air emissions of volatile organic compounds, using an appropriate sampling method, from the project are less than the de minimis emissions listed in R307-401-9(1)(a);

      (2) documentation that the levels of any one hazardous air pollutant or any combination of hazardous air pollutants are less than the levels in R307-410-5(1)(d); and

      (3) the location of the remediation and where the remediated material originated.