R307-305. Nonattainment and Maintenance Areas for PM10: Emission Standards  

R307-305-1. Purpose
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This rule establishes emission standards and work practices for sources located in PM10 nonattainment and maintenance areas to meet the reasonably available control measures requirement in section 189(a)(1)(C) of the Act.

R307-305-2. Applicability
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The requirements of R307-305 apply to the owner or operator of any source that is listed in Section IX, Part H of the state implementation plan or located in a PM10 nonattainment or maintenance area.

R307-305-3. Visible Emissions
Latest version.

  (1) Visible emissions from existing installations except diesel engines shall be of a shade or density no darker than 20% opacity. Visible emissions shall be measured using EPA Method 9.

  (2) No owner or operator of a gasoline engine or vehicle shall allow, cause or permit the emissions of visible pollutants.

  (3) Emissions from diesel engines, except locomotives, shall be of a shade or density no darker than 20% opacity, except for starting motion no farther than 100 yards or for stationary operation not exceeding three minutes in any hour.

  (4) Visible emissions exceeding the opacity standards for short time periods as the result of initial warm-up, soot blowing, cleaning of grates, building of boiler fires, cooling, etc., caused by start-up or shutdown of a facility, installation or operation, or unavoidable combustion irregularities which do not exceed three minutes in length (unavoidable combustion irregularities which exceed three minutes in length must be handled in accordance with R307-107), shall not be deemed in violation provided that the director finds that adequate control technology has been applied. The owner or operator shall minimize visible and non-visible emissions during start-up or shutdown of a facility, installation, or operation through the use of adequate control technology and proper procedures.

R307-305-4. Particulate Emission Limitations and Operating Parameters (PM10)
Latest version.

Any source with emission limits included in Section IX, Part H, of the Utah state implementation plan shall comply with those emission limitations and operating parameters. Specific limitations will be set by the director, through an approval order issued under R307-401, for installations within a source that do not have limitations specified in the state implementation plan.

R307-305-5. Compliance Testing (PM10)
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Compliance testing for PM10, sulfur dioxide, and oxides of nitrogen emission limitations shall be done in accordance with Section IX, Part H of the state implementation plan. PM10 compliance shall be determined from the results of EPA test method 201 or 201a. A backhalf analysis shall be performed for inventory purposes for each PM10 compliance test in accordance with Method 202, or other appropriate EPA approved reference method.

R307-305-6. Automobile Emission Control Devices
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Any person owning or operating any motor vehicle or motor vehicle engine registered in the State of Utah on which is installed or incorporated a system or device for the control of crankcase emissions or exhaust emissions in compliance with the Federal motor vehicle rules, shall maintain the system or device in operable condition and shall use it at all times that the motor vehicle or motor vehicle engine is operated. No person shall remove or make inoperable within the State of Utah the system or device or any part thereof, except for the purpose of installing another system or device, or part thereof, which is equally or more effective in reducing emissions from the vehicle to the atmosphere.

R307-305-7. Compliance Schedule for New Nonattainment Areas
Latest version.

The provisions of R307-305 shall apply to the owner or operator of a source that is located in any new PM10 nonattainment area 180 days after the area is officially designated a nonattainment area for PM10 by the Environmental Protection Agency. Provisions of R307-201 shall continue to apply to the owner or operator of a source during this transition period.