R30-3. Declaratory Orders

R30-3-1. Purpose
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  The purpose of this rule is to describe the procedures the office shall follow in declaratory proceedings.

R30-3-2. Authority
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  This rule is authorized by Section 63A-13-602 and Section 63G-4-503.

R30-3-3. Definitions
Latest version.

  (1) Terms used in this rule are defined in Section 63A-13-102.

  (2) In addition, "ALJ" means an impartial administrative law judge who has been appointed by the inspector general to conduct adjudicative proceedings according to these rules.

R30-3-4. Petition Form and Filing
Latest version.

  (1) A petition for a declaratory order shall be delivered to the office as provided by Subsection R30-2-6(3).

  (2) The petition shall:

  (a) be clearly designated as a request for declaratory order;

  (b) identify the statute, rule or order to be reviewed;

  (c) describe in detail the situation or circumstances to be reviewed;

  (d) describe the reason or need for the review, addressing in particular, why the review should not be considered frivolous;

  (e) include an address and telephone where the petitioner can be contacted during regular business hours; and

  (f) be signed by the petitioner.

R30-3-5. Reviewability
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  (1) The agency may not issue a declaratory order if the subject matter is:

  (a) excluded from review under Subsection 63G-4-503(3);

  (b) not within the jurisdiction and expertise of the agency;

  (c) frivolous, trivial, irrelevant or immaterial; or

  (d) otherwise excluded by state and federal law.

R30-3-6. Petition Review and Disposition
Latest version.

  (1) A petition for declaratory relief shall be referred to the ALJ for review and consideration.

  (2) The ALJ may request input from the petitioner and the office prior to issuing a written order as provided in Subsection 63G-4-503(6).