R277-718. Out-of-School Time Program Quality Improvement Grants  

R277-718-1. Authority and Purpose
Latest version.

  (1) This rule is authorized by:

  (a) Utah Constitution Article X, Section 3, which vests general control and supervision over public education in the Board;

  (b) Subsection 53E-3-401(4), which allows the Board to make rules to execute the Board's duties and responsibilities under the Utah Constitution and state law; and

  (c) Section 53F-5-210, which creates a grant program for out-of-school time programs, and requires the Board to adopt rules to administer the grant program.

  (2) The purpose of this rule is to outline grant procedures, including:

  (a) an application procedure;

  (b) criteria and procedures for awarding grants; and

  (c) requirements for grant recipients.

R277-718-2. Definitions
Latest version.

  (1) "Assessment tool" means the same as defined in R277-715.

  (2) "Grant program" means the Educational Improvement Opportunities Outside of the Regular School Day Grant Program established in Section 53F-5-210.

  (3) "Participating program" means the same as defined in R277-715

  (4) "Private matching funds" does not include funds from federal, state, or local government sources.

  (5) "Quality observation process" means a process in which a trained and certified specialist observes a participating program that is awarded funds under the grant program, using a valid observation tool, on the extent to which the program is implementing the standards described in R277-715-3.

R277-718-3. Grant Applications
Latest version.

  (1) The Superintendent shall create an application consistent with the provisions of Subsection 53F-5-210(4), and make the application available to participating programs operated by LEAs.

  (2) The application shall require the LEA to provide evidence and report how it intends to provide the matching private funds required in Subsection 53F-5-210(7), including the source of funding the LEA intends to use.

  (3) For each year the Superintendent is authorized to solicit grant applications, the Superintendent shall publish a timeline, and include a date for the application release, due dates for an LEA to submit required materials, and anticipated timeframes for evaluation to participating programs operated by LEAs through the Board's enterprise grant management system.

R277-718-4. Procedures and Criteria for Awarding Grants
Latest version.

  (1) In accordance with Subsection 53F-5-210(5), the Superintendent shall evaluate LEA program proposals on:

  (a) the percentage of students in the program who qualify for free or reduced-price lunch;

  (b)(i) evidence that the LEA has dedicated private matching funds to support the LEA's grant funding request; or

  (ii) provide assurances that the LEA will obtain private matching funds to support the LEA's grant funding request;

  (c) the extent to which the program has participated in the assessment tool;

  (d) the program's commitment to implementing the quality observation process and reporting timely results to the Superintendent;

  (e) whether the program intends to spend grant funds on activities, purposes, or interventions that have a likelihood of improving student academic performance; and

  (f) the extent to which the program has engaged in and implemented a program needs assessment for purposes of identifying gaps that may be addressed by funding.

  (2) A program shall receive priority points or additional weighting for a higher percentage of students in the program who qualify for free or reduced-price lunch.

  (3) The Superintendent may not distribute grant funds until the LEA has certified that the LEA has obtained the private matching funds in an amount that is equal to or more than the grant funds.

R277-718-5. Grant Recipient Requirements, Accountability, and Reporting
Latest version.

  (1) An LEA that receives funding under the grant program shall target grant funds to expenditures that are likely to have a positive effect on the quality of the program, such as highly-qualified staff, specific professional development or training for staff, or evidence-based curriculum.

  (2) LEAs shall submit reimbursement requests to claim grant funds.

  (3) An LEA grant recipient shall participate in the quality observation process to assess the quality of the program.

  (4) To determine the impact of the program on the academic performance of participating students, the Superintendent shall use statewide assessments.

  (5) An LEA grant recipient shall report to the Superintendent:

  (a) the average daily attendance of regularly participating students;

  (b) the types of interventions that program recipients received on the days they attended the program; and

  (c) the amount of services received by participating students, grouped by:

  (i) 30 days;

  (ii) 30-59 days;

  (iii) 60-89 days; and

  (iv) more than 90 days.

  (6) An LEA grant recipient shall report the data described in Subsection (4) to the Superintendent in:

  (a) a mid-year report by Dec 31; and

  (b) an end-of-year report by May 31.

  (7) LEAs that receive grant funds may be required to provide evidence to the Superintendent that the private matching funds were obtained and expended for the same purposes as the activities supported by these state funds.

  (8) LEAs that receive grant funds are subject to fiscal and programmatic monitoring to validate uses of funds and programmatic performance and outcomes annually.