R277-500-4. Educator License Renewal Procedures  

Latest version.
  •   A. An active educator license holder shall satisfy the final review and obtain the appropriate signatures regarding completion of the professional learning plan between January 1 and June 30 of the educator's assigned renewal year.

      (1) A Level 2 or 3 educator license holder who has completed all additional requirements for renewal shall complete the online renewal provided by USOE between January 1 and June 30 of the educator's assigned renewal year.

      (2) A Level 1 educator license holder who has completed all additional requirements for renewal shall submit the Professional Learning Plan Completion Form to the USOE between January 1 and June 30 of the educator's assigned renewal year. Forms that are not complete or do not bear original signatures shall not be processed.

      (3) An educator's failure to complete the online process or submit the completion form consistent with deadlines in this rule shall result in beginning anew the administrative licensure process, including all attendant fees and criminal background checks.

      B. An inactive educator license holder shall satisfy the final review and obtain the appropriate signatures regarding completion of the professional learning plan within one calendar year prior to the date on which the inactive educator license holder is directed/scheduled to renew the license.

      (1) A Level 2 or 3 educator license holder who has completed all additional requirements for renewal shall complete the online renewal process provided by USOE between January 1 and June 30 of the educator's assigned renewal year.

      (2) A Level 1 educator license holder who has completed all additional requirements for renewal shall submit the Professional Learning Plan Completion Form to the USOE between January 1 and June 30 of the educator's assigned renewal year. Forms that are not complete or do not bear original signatures shall not be processed.

      (3) An educator's failure to complete the online process or submit the completion form consistent with deadlines shall result in beginning anew the licensure process, including all attendant fees and criminal background checks.

      C.(1) An educator shall obtain the signature of the educator's direct administrative supervisor on the educator's renewal form.

      (2) The educator's direct administrative supervisor described in R277-500-4C(1) shall be a licensed administrator.

      (3) If an educator's supervisor is not a licensed administrator then the form shall be signed by the next highest administrative supervisor who is a licensed administrator.

      (4) If the educator is the highest administrative authority in the LEA then the form shall be signed by the president or chairperson of the LEA's governing board.

      D. An educator who is seeking a license renewal shall obtain the signature of a licensed administrator on the educator's license renewal form.

      E.(1) The Superintendent shall charge a fee, set by the Superintendent, to an educator seeking renewal from an inactive status or requesting level changes.

      (2) The Superintendent shall charge an educator with an active license renewal fee consistent with R277-502

      F. The Superintendent shall audit a random sample of approximately ten percent of the annual online renewals.

      G. An educator selected for an audit described in R277-500-4F:

      (1) shall submit the Professional Learning Plan Completion Form with the appropriate signatures to the USOE in a timely manner.

      (2) shall receive a warning letter and may be referred to UPPAC if documentation is not submitted as requested.

      (3) shall be referred to UPPAC for possible license discipline if the documentation reveals fraudulent or unprofessional actions.

      H. The Superintendent may review or audit renewal transactions including the professional learning plan, signatures, and documentation of professional learning activities.