R277-500-2. Definitions  

Latest version.
  •   A. "Acceptable alternative professional learning activity" means an activity that may not fall within a specific category under R277-500-5 but is consistent with this rule.

      B. "Accredited" means a teacher preparation program accredited by the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE), the Teacher Education Accreditation Council (TEAC), or the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP).

      C. "Accredited school," for purposes of this rule, means a public or private school that has met standards considered to be essential for the operation of a quality school program and has received formal approval by the Northwest Accreditation Commission.

      D. "Active educator," for purposes of this rule, means an individual holding a valid license issued by the Board who is employed by a Utah public LEA, accredited private school, or USOE, or who was employed by a Utah public LEA or accredited private school in a role covered by the license for at least three years in the individual's renewal period.

      E. "Active educator license" means a license that is currently valid for employment in a position requiring an educator license.

      F. "Board" means the Utah State Board of Education.

      G. "College/university course" means a course taken through an institution approved under Section 53E-6-303.

      H. "Course work successfully completed" for purposes of this rule means the student earns a grade C or better in approved university or university level course work or USOE professional learning credit.

      I. "Documentation of professional learning activities" means:

      (1) an original student transcript of university/college courses;

      (2) an LEA or USOE-sponsored electronic record of professional learning activities;

      (3) a summary, explanation, or copy of the product of a professional learning activity signed by the educator's supervisor or a licensed administrator ;

      (4) a certificate of completion for an approved professional learning conference, workshop, institute, symposium, educational travel experience or staff development; or

      (5) an agenda or conference program demonstrating sessions and duration of professional learning activities.

      J. "Educational research" means conducting research on education issues or investigating education innovations.

      K. "Inactive educator" means an individual:

      (1) who holds a valid license issued by the Board;

      (2) who is not currently employed by a Utah public LEA or accredited private school; and

      (3) who was employed by a Utah public LEA or accredited private school in a role covered by the license for less than three years in the individual's renewal period.

      L. "Inactive educator license" means a license issued by the Board, other than a suspended or revoked license, that is currently not valid due to the holder's failure to complete requirements for license renewal.

      M. "LEA" or "local education agency" means a school district or a charter school.

      N. "Level 1 license" means a Utah professional educator license issued:

      (1) to an applicant upon completion of an approved preparation program or an alternative preparation program; or

      (2) to an applicant that holds an educator license issued by another state or country that has also met all ancillary requirements established by law or rule.

      O. "Level 2 license" means a Utah professional educator license issued to an applicant after the applicant meets the following:

      (1) completion of all requirements for a Level 1 license;

      (2) satisfaction of requirements under R277-522 for a teacher whose employment as a Level 1 licensed educator began after January 1, 2003 in a Utah public LEA or accredited private school;

      (3) completion of:

      (a) at least three years of successful education experience in a Utah public LEA or accredited private school; or

      (b)(i) one year of successful education experience in a Utah public LEA or accredited private school; and

      (ii) at least three years of successful education experience in a public LEA or accredited private school outside of Utah; and

      (4) completion of any additional requirements established by law or rule.

      P. "Level 3 license" means a Utah professional educator license issued to an educator who:

      (1) holds a current Utah Level 2 license; and

      (2)(a) received National Board Certification;

      (b) received a doctorate in education or in a field related to a content area in a unit of:

      (i) the public education system; or

      (ii) an accredited private school; or

      (c) holds a Speech-Language Pathology area of concentration and has obtained American Speech-Language Hearing Association (ASHA) certification.

      Q. "License" means an authorization which permits the license holder to serve in a professional capacity in a public LEA or accredited private school.

      R. "Licensed administrator" means:

      (1) an individual holding an active educator license that is valid for employment in a public school administrative position; or

      (2) an individual currently employed by a Utah charter school in an administrative position.

      S. "License renewal points" means the points accumulated by a Utah license holder through activities approved under this rule for the purpose of satisfying requirements of Section 53E-6-201.

      T. "National Board Certification" means the successful completion of the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBTPS) process, a three-year process, that may include:

      (1) national content-area assessment;

      (2) an extensive portfolio; and

      (3) assessment of video-taped classroom teaching experience.

      U. "Professional growth plan" means a plan created and reviewed annually by an active educator and the educator's direct supervisor that details the professional goals of the educator based on the Utah Effective Teaching and Educational Leadership Standards consistent with R277-520 and related to the educator's self-assessment and formal evaluation required under Section 53G-11-504.

      V. "Professional learning" means engaging in activities that improve or enhance an educator's practice.

      W. "Professional learning plan" means a document prepared by a Utah educator consistent with this rule.

      X. "Superintendent" means the State Superintendent of Public Instruction or the Superintendent's designee.

      Y. "University level course" means a course:

      (1) that has the same academic rigor and requirements of a university or college course;

      (2) taught by appropriately trained individuals; and

      (3) designated as a university level course by the Superintendent.

      Z. "UPPAC" means the Utah Professional Practices Advisory Commission under Title 53E, Chapter 6, Part 5, Utah Professional Practices Advisory Commission.

      AA. "USOE" means the Utah State Office of Education.

      BB. "USOE professional learning credit" means a course, approved by the Superintendent under R277-519-3, that educators may participate in to:

      (1) renew a license;

      (2) teach in another subject area; or

      (3) teach at another grade level.

      CC. "Verification of employment" means official documentation of employment as an educator listing the educator's assignment and years of service, signed by the supervising administrator.