R277-304-3. General Teacher Preparation  

Latest version.
  •   Prior to approval by the Board, a teacher preparation program shall:

      (1) prepare candidates to meet the Utah Effective Teaching Standards in Rule R277-530;

      (2) prepare candidates to teach:

      (a) the Utah Core Standards; and

      (b) the Essential Elements, as appropriate to a candidate's prospective area of licensure as established by the Board;

      (3) include school-based clinical experiences for a candidate to observe, practice skills, and reflect on teaching that:

      (a) are significant in number, depth, breadth, and duration;

      (b) are progressively more complex;

      (c) occur in multiple schools and classrooms;

      (d) include working with all types of students; and

      (e) include creating and consistently implementing beginning of semester or school year classroom procedures and practices;

      (4) require the demonstration of competency in:

      (a) content and content-specific pedagogy appropriate for the area of licensure;

      (b) knowledge of the Utah Educator Professional Standards contained in Rule R277-515;

      (c) creating effective learning environments by establishing and implementing routines and procedures with consistent expectations;

      (d) skills in providing tier one and tier two instruction and intervention on the Utah Core Standards and positive behavior supports to each student within a multi-tiered system of supports;

      (e) integrating technology to support and meaningfully supplement the learning of students, including the effective use of software for personalized learning;

      (f) designing, administering, and reviewing educational assessments in a meaningful and ethical manner;

      (g) analyzing formative and summative assessments results to inform and modify instruction;

      (h) assessing students for competency for the purpose of personalized learning;

      (i) skills in implementing personalized learning practices that consider the whole child including:

      (i) trauma-informed instructional practices; and

      (ii) restorative instructional practices;

      (j) knowledge and skills designed to assist in the identification of students with disabilities to meet the needs of students with disabilities in the general classroom, including:

      (i) knowledge of the IDEA and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act;

      (ii) knowledge of the role of non-special-education teachers in the education of students with disabilities;

      (iii) knowledge and skills in implementing least restrictive behavior interventions;

      (iv) skills in implementing and assessing the results of interventions; and

      (v) skills in the implementation of an educational program with accommodations, modifications, services, and supports established by an IEP or a 504 plan for students with disabilities in the general education classroom;

      (k) knowledge and skills designed to meet the needs of diverse student populations in the general education classroom, including:

      (i) allowing students multiple ways to demonstrate learning that are sensitive to student diversity;

      (ii) creating an environment using a teaching model that is sensitive to multiple experiences and diversity;

      (iii) designing, adapting, and delivering instruction to address each student's diverse learning strengths and needs; and

      (iv) incorporating tools of language development into planning, instruction, and intervention for students learning English and supporting development of English proficiency; and

      (l) knowledge and skills in collaborating with parents and guardians.

      (5) for a program applicant accepted on or after January 1, 2020, require multiple opportunities for a program applicant to successfully demonstrate application of knowledge and skills gained through the program in one or more clinical experiences in each of the following competencies:

      (a) implementing the planning and design, delivery, facilitation, assessment, evaluation, and reflection of a unit of instruction, including:

      (i) systematic and explicit instructional design and implementation;

      (ii) varied evidence-based instructional strategies;

      (iii) developmentally appropriate and authentic learning experiences;

      (iv) scaffolded instruction;

      (v) differentiated instruction;

      (vi) instruction targeting higher order thinking and metacognitive skills;

      (vii) project-based or competency-based learning opportunities;

      (viii) designing and selecting pre-assessments, formative, and summative assessments that align to student learning objectives; and

      (ix) revising instructional plans for future implementation or reteaching concepts as appropriate;

      (b) integrating cross-disciplinary skills, such as literacy or numeracy, into instruction;

      (c) engaging students in the learning process;

      (d) utilizing technology to enhance and personalize instruction;

      (e) implementing the accommodations, modifications, services, and supports as outlined in a student's IEP or 504 plan;

      (f) evaluating student artifacts and assessments for the purposes of:

      (i) measuring student understanding;

      (ii) modifying instruction;

      (iii) targeting tier two instruction and intervention in a multi-tiered system of support;

      (iv) providing feedback to students; and

      (v) documenting student progress, i.e., assigning an academic grade;

      (g) establishing and maintaining classroom procedures and routines that include positive behavior interventions and supports;

      (h) establishing and maintaining a positive learning climate;

      (i) reflecting on the teaching process and justifying instructional decisions;

      (j) collaborating with grade level, subject, or cross-curricular teams to:

      (i) analyze student data; and

      (ii) inform, plan, and modify instruction;

      (k) participating in at least one IEP meeting or parental consultation regarding a student that the program applicant has instructed;

      (l) effectively communicating with parents, colleagues, and administration; and

      (m) consulting with a school counselor regarding the emotional well-being of students and referring the students to a school counselor when necessary;

      (6) include consideration of a candidate's dispositions and suitability for teaching; and

      (7) include plans for candidate remediation and exit counseling if applicable.