R277-211-8. Disciplinary Letters and Dismissal

Latest version.
  •   (1) If UPPAC recommends issuance of a disciplinary letter or dismissal, the Executive Secretary shall forward the case to the Board for review.

      (2) If the Board does not approve a recommendation for a disciplinary letter or dismissal described in Subsection (1), the Board may:

      (a) remand the case to UPPAC with:

      (i) direction as to the issues UPPAC should address;

      (ii) alternative terms and disposition that should be satisfactory to the Board to be submitted to the educator for consideration; and

      (iii) the opportunity for the educator to participate in a hearing;

      (b) direct the Executive Secretary to issue a different level of disciplinary letter;

      (c) dismiss the matter; or

      (d) take other appropriate action consistent with due process and Rule R277-215.

      (3) If the Board approves a disciplinary letter, the Executive Secretary shall:

      (a) prepare the disciplinary letter and mail it to the educator;

      (b) place a copy of the disciplinary letter in the UPPAC case file; and

      (c) update CACTUS to reflect that the investigation is closed.