R23-29-3. Authority and Extent of Categorical Delegation  

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  •   (1) Projects Delegated on a Categorical Basis. As permitted by subsection 63A-5-206(4)(a)(i), authority is delegated to the University of Utah, Utah State University, and the Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT), to exercise direct supervision over the design and construction of all projects on their respective properties or facilities up to the dollar amounts stated below.

      (2) Delegation Dollar Limitations. The delegation referred to in this Rule is granted to the Entities for projects having a budget for construction, excluding soft costs, consistent with the DFCM Construction Budget Estimate (CBE) form, of:

      (a) $4,000,000 or less for Utah State University;

      (b) $10,000,000 or less for the University of Utah; and

      (c) $350,000 or less for the Utah Department of Transportation.